[Click] IPRewriter "nochange" inputspec syntax broken?

Erik VandeKieft evandeki at cs.ucsd.edu
Fri Jul 9 20:50:45 EDT 2004

Is there something wrong with the IPRewriter element's "nochange"
inputspec? I thought you're supposed to be able to specify an output port.
When I specify one, I get an error. When I don't, it works. Here's a
trivial example (not what I actually need to get to work, obviously, just
meant to illustrate the syntax problem):

When you specify an output port:

# click -q -e 'InfiniteSource(\<0800>) -> IPRewriter(nochange 0) -> Discard'
<expr>:1: While configuring
'IPRewriter at 2 :: IPRewriter':
  input spec 0: syntax error; expected `nochange [OUTPUT]'
Router could not be initialized!

When you leave it blank:

# click -q -e 'InfiniteSource(\<0800>) -> IPRewriter(nochange) -> Discard'

Am I using this element wrong?


--Erik Vandekieft

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