[Click] DSDV Implementation (2)

Michael Voorhaen Michael.Voorhaen at ua.ac.be
Thu Feb 19 15:28:10 EST 2004

I have some other questions about the code:

* I'm a little bit confused about some of the macro's used, like
USE_OLD_SEQ, USE_GOOD_NEW_ROUTES. I think I get how they work: instead of
advertising new routes immediatly you wait until you've received several
route advertisements to make sure it is a stable route. I've seen this
concept before I believe the paper used the ETX metric, as they called it,
to decide when to use/advertise new routes. Am I correct in saying this?

* Could I use this to my advantage when e.g. discovering gateway nodes? It
might be interesting to only switch to another GW when we decided that the
route to the GW is also good to advertise?

I'm asking since some of the metric related code seems to be embedded in
GridGenericElements and some other code is embedded using macros into the
DSDVRouteTable code, and I'm not 100% sure what to do about it.


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