[Click] Quick question

Ravi Bhagavathula ravi.bhagavathula at wichita.edu
Sun Dec 19 16:15:56 EST 2004


I am a newbie to CLICK so this question might sound very primitive. I
modified one of the examples to say 

FromDevice(eth0) -> IPEncap(4,,
			-> Print(IP_Encapsulated_packet)
			-> StripIPHeader()
			-> Print(Original_Ethernet_Frame)
			-> Strip(14)
			-> Print(Original_IP_packet)
			-> Discard

When I run this, I do get an output which prints the IP_encapsulated_packet,
the Original_Ethernet_Frame and the Original_IP_packet. But I also get
something to the tune of "Expensive Packet::push; have 2 wanted 20".

Could anyone explain to me the significance of this message. I am currently
operating in the user-land with no linux kernel components.

Thanks in advance.

Ravi Bhagavathula, PhD
324 Wallace Hall
Electrical and Computer Engg. Dept.
Wichita State University,
Wichita, KS 67260-0044
Telephone: (316) 978-3494
Fax: (316) 978-5408

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