[Click] Help setting up a simple bridge

Adam Maloney adam at whee.org
Thu Dec 16 10:35:06 EST 2004

I'm completely new to Click.  I've got it installed on a FreeBSD machine 
with two NICs.  I want this system to act as a bridge, but also hook into 
the BandwidthShaper and DelayShaper, so I can simulate different types of 
network links.

I've read through the docs and the sample configs.  For starters, I tried 
modifying the mazu-nat example (this is more than I need, but it would 
work for what I'm trying to do in lieu of a bridge), but I can't get it to 
work at all since it's using Linux-specific packages like ToLinux.

Can anyone give me some advice on where to go next?  More example configs 
from others on this list?

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