[Click] Click trouble :)

Eirill Pettersen Buvik eirillpe at stud.ntnu.no
Fri Nov 28 18:20:54 EST 2003

Hi Eddie

I'm writing a project on the Click-router, and have some questions I hope
you can help me with :)

I have installed and compiled a router configuration for testing on a
computer with linux 2.4.18. My routerconfig-file was generated by editing
the make-ip-conf.pl script to fit my IP configuration. Both userlevel and
kernel mode compiled without errors. When I run Click in userlevel,
everything works well. But when I run Click in kernel mode, it seems like
click only forwards icmp-packets (??). I can ping both the test machines I
have connected to the Click router, but when I try to send UDP packets
(netperf test), the host seems to be unreachable. The traceroute command
doesn't work either (the packet arrives at the click pc but is not
forwarded). The router configuration is almost the same in userlevel and
kernel mode, I only changed the line about localhost in order to make it a
userlevel configuration. Also, after some time, the ping command doesn't
work either. The route to the destination is lost... If I uninstall the
kernel mode, and install it again, ping does still not work. BUT, if I
uninstall kernel mode, run click in userlevel, abort and run it in kernel
mode again, ping works! (but not netperf, traceroute, .....) 

Do you have any clue to what might be wrong? I hope you can help me :)

Second (and I don't know if you can help me on this... All hints and tips
are welcome!!):
In my project I am going to study performance on the click router. Is it
possible to see the performance on each element in the router configuration,
and how do I do this? What I would like, is a outprint of timestamps when
the packet is sent to the input port of each element, or something like
this. I'm going to look into the filtering mechanisms in click, and would
very much like to see if the Ipfilter element take up much processing time.
Do you know of any documents/papers that look into the security mechanisms
in click? I have read the papers on the click web site, but couldn't find
any with special focus on this...

Thanks in advance for your answer!

Eirill Pettersen Buvik
Diploma student, Department of Telematics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology 
Email: eirillpe at item.ntnu.no

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