[Click] Flow-based router context

michele magi michele_magi at yahoo.it
Fri Aug 29 20:19:51 EDT 2003

Hallo !
I'm very new to the ML even if I've been using the click for
a couple of months for my thesis degree.
I'm developing a new click element for measuring the aggregated traffic
outgoing from the router and dinamically modulate the bandwidth for it
by a shaper. In this aim, I'd like to add to it a "congestion
management" function, to manage sudden variations of the bandwidth. 
And this is not so easy...
This element has many simple queues connected 
to its input (through a round robin scheduler), collects all the outgoing 
traffic  and shapes it. To add the congestion manager, I was supposing to 
design a new function which should be able to monitor the upstream queue(s) occupancy. 
But... how to do it?
I "don't know" the number of the queues since it can vary, so I was thinking to use the "flow-based router context" (seen as an example for the RED element).I 'd like to have the automatic discovery of the upstream queues and to read their current lenghts. Is this possible ? I'm looking at the RED source but I can't understand where/who makes this...
Anyone can help ?

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