Fw: Translating EPRT/PASV PORT/EPRT FTP commands... again

Juan Luis Baptiste juancho at linuxmail.org
Wed Oct 30 21:36:07 EST 2002

I have almost finished my ftpportmaper6 element for translating EPRT/PASV PORT/EPRT FTP commands but I'm having a strange problem when translating EPSV commands from IPv6 to IPv4. After the response to the EPSV command is translated and the client is going to connect to the server to start a data transfer, I'm getting a Connection refused from the server. Looking with a sniffer I can see that the server is responding with a RST,ACK instead of a SYN,ACK in the three-way handshake. My cuestion is, what could be causing this behavior? could it be some problem with the tranlation of the packet(updating secuence number, translating IP/TCP headers...)? if I run a config file for the translator without my element it works fine (because EPSV command aren't translated).

Thanks in advance,
 Juan Luis Baptiste M


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