Current linux-2.2.19 patch

Brecht Vermeulen brecht.vermeulen at
Sat Mar 30 16:53:31 EST 2002


in the current linux-2.2.19-patch, there is a little problem with the
last change of 2002/02/13 'patched Linux patches from Pramod John,
thanks! <pjohn at>' :
the first hunk doesn't apply because the $Revision$ keyword in the patch
for the driver eepro100 is updated by cvs when it is committed and as
such that line isn't found in the file to patch.

It was updated automatically to 1.3 (the revision of the
linux-2.2.19-patch file) instead of the original

I think that this one can be solved by using cvs admin and using the
option -ko on the patches files:
    Generate the old keyword string, present in the working file just
before it was checked in. For example, for the Revision keyword,
generate the string $Revision: 1.1 $ instead of $Revision: 5.7 $ if that
is how the string appeared when the
    file was checked in. 

or maybe the patch can be changed to avoid this ?
or are there any other solutions ?


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