Update on ArpQuerier (?) Failure

Pramod John pramod_nic at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 20 19:54:02 EDT 2002


>From the previous thread.  I can get click to crash by executing

ping -f <address> -s 1600 from any directly connected host.

The config is just the generic router config (make-ip-conf.pl)

I thought it might be the intel pro 100 driver.  But that turned
out that was not the case, as I tried another generic enet card
in interrupt mode, and it fails in exactly the same way.  It looks
like ArpQuerier is the offending element.

Is anyone else seeing this behavior ?  Any ideas on how to fix it ?



>>EIP; c404faee <[click]handle_ip__10ARPQuerierP6Packet+f6/1fc>   <=====
Trace; c0147938 <skb_clone+18/8c>
Trace; c404fd47 <[click]push__10ARPQuerieriP6Packet+17/4c>
Trace; c405aae5 <[click]fragment__12IPFragmenterP6Packet+259/450>
Trace; c010ff76 <timer_bh+d2/3fc>
Trace; c405ad18 <[click]push__12IPFragmenteriP6Packet+3c/44>
Trace; c4033413 <[click]push__7ElementiP6Packet+2f/34>
Trace; c4033413 <[click]push__7ElementiP6Packet+2f/34>
Trace; c4033413 <[click]push__7ElementiP6Packet+2f/34>
Trace; c40648b2 <[click]push__14LinearIPLookupiP6Packet+b2/bc>
Trace; c4033413 <[click]push__7ElementiP6Packet+2f/34>
Trace; c4033413 <[click]push__7ElementiP6Packet+2f/34>
Trace; c4033413 <[click]push__7ElementiP6Packet+2f/34>
Trace; c4033413 <[click]push__7ElementiP6Packet+2f/34>
Trace; c4076958 <[click]push__10ClassifieriP6Packet+7c/a8>
Trace; c406d94b <[click]run_scheduled__10FromDevice+77/140>
Trace; c010653f <kernel_thread+23/30>
Code;  c404faee <[click]handle_ip__10ARPQuerierP6Packet+f6/1fc>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c404faee <[click]handle_ip__10ARPQuerierP6Packet+f6/1fc>   <=====
   0:   8b 56 38                  mov    0x38(%esi),%edx   <=====
Code;  c404faf1 <[click]handle_ip__10ARPQuerierP6Packet+f9/1fc>
   3:   8b 4d 08                  mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx
Code;  c404faf4 <[click]handle_ip__10ARPQuerierP6Packet+fc/1fc>
   6:   8b 81 48 04 00 00         mov    0x448(%ecx),%eax
Code;  c404fafa <[click]handle_ip__10ARPQuerierP6Packet+102/1fc>
   c:   89 42 06                  mov    %eax,0x6(%edx)
Code;  c404fafd <[click]handle_ip__10ARPQuerierP6Packet+105/1fc>
   f:   66 8b 81 4c 04 00 00      mov    0x44c(%ecx),%ax

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