Rate Measurement!! Contd...

Arvind Venkatesan venkaa at cs.rpi.edu
Mon Feb 25 11:46:10 EST 2002

> There might also be other factors in play -- a broken RatedSource or
> whatever. And are you forcing polling? (PollDevice(eth0) -> Discard)

Not in the cases that I had shown earlier, but in my
implementation, I am using PollDevice(eth0) to receive packets ->
->  Shape at a rate 'R' ->  ToDevice(eth1).
                Do you think that in my implementation I can be assured that
rate at which packet is sent out is 'R' bytes/second. What are the ways in
which PollDevice
could be a contributing factor in limiting 'R'?



Arvind Venkatesan
Graduate Student
CS Dept.
RPI, Troy, NY 12180.

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