click_chatter v/s performance

Arvind Venkatesan venkaa at
Wed Apr 17 21:26:01 EDT 2002

Hello everybody,

I was just wondering about how much do
print outputs through click_chatter (say one click_chatter for every 10
data packets for statistics gathering) affect a router
performance/introduce noise, since it does take system resources to do

		Actually, I tried using StringAccum object and the
append methods it provides, so that I can do one click_chatter for every
100 data packets(instead of once every 10 packets) and printout the
buffered statistics. For some reason it prints out the buffered
statistics and some junk(that confuse the awk scripts) after every
cycle. I am taking care to clear this StringAccum object after every
cycle of 100 data packets. How do I get rid of that junk? Am I missing
anything here?

	Is there any better way of collecting statistics (in case
click_chatter has some kind of impact 
on the router performance) ?

Thanks for the response!!!



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