
GARDNER,ROBERT (A-Scotland,ex1) robert_gardner at agilent.com
Wed Jun 20 20:22:49 EDT 2001

Hi there,

I'm enjoying using your excellent Click router.
I'm now trying to add my own node - but have hit a snag!

After editing the Makefile to ensure that the /elements/local
directory gets compiled, I get faced with an error when
installing my configuration...

#./click-install newconf/mplsencap.click
newconf/myconf.click:9: unknown element class `XXX'
Router could not be initialized!

I'm sure I just have to edit some file somewhere to
make my new element known! I'd be very grateful if
you could help out?

Perhaps a short step-by-step guide to adding your own elements
would be a good addition to your documentation - or have I just
missed it?

best wishes

Robert Gardner

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