bugs in click-1.2.0?

Eddie Kohler kohler at aciri.org
Tue Jun 19 14:33:39 EDT 2001

Hi Werner,

Sorry for the long delay -- I've been on vacation. Better to cc: the
"click at pdos.lcs.mit.edu" mailing list in future.

> I run both click-versions 1.1 and 1.2.0. A click-configuration like
> ARPResponder -> ToDevice(eth2)
> works perfectly under 1.1 but it doesn't work at all under 1.2.0. I
> don't get any ARPReplies under 1.2.0. Is there any bug in the 1.2.0
> version of ARPResponder? Is there any possibility to run a
> click-configuration in debug mode (reporting each step)? Are there other
> known bugs in 1.2.0? Is there any new release planned?

There is a bug in 1.2.0's ARPResponder. There are other bugs, too,
particularly in ToLinux. There is a new release planned, probably this
week. If you want a preview, fetch the sources via anonymous CVS. People
have reported that this version works better.

> Another question: I use the click-udpgenerator for measuring the
> throughput of a router and it works perfectly. Is there any possibility
> (click-elements) for measuring the delay and jitter? E.g. if I insert a
> SetTimestamp on the sender side and an IPPrint(TIMESTAMP) on the
> receiver side would it be possible to measure the delay?

SetTimestamp actually sets thje timestamp ANNOTATION, which is not part of
the packet data and is not sent along with the packet. You want something
that actually stores the annotation into the PACKET, and a corresponding
element to fetch the annotation out of the packet. No such element exists,
but it would be pretty easy to write one -- a pleasant exercise. If you do
get some delay/jitter measurement elements up, we would love to include
them or link to them. Also, note that you will probably have some problems
with clock synchronization and drift unless you design your experiments


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