Bug report

Brecht Vermeulen Brecht.Vermeulen at rug.ac.be
Wed Nov 29 16:14:06 EST 2000


I've noticed two bugs (as far as I see ;-) ) :

* if you test the test3.click example, then in /proc/click/Print at 7/ports,
there is :
1 input
(pull)  -       Queue at 6 [0]
1 output
(pull)  -       [0] rr 

The last [0] rr, must be [1] rr.

* The second problem concerns the hot configuring of the click router. We
want to use the click router as a DiffServ router, and as such it needs to
be reconfigured sometimes. Therefore I stress tested the router hotconfig
option, but the router crashes, with an error 
cannot create kernel thread!
in /proc/click/errors

This happens, when doing more than 475 reconfigurations fast (in approx. 3
seconds). If I do these 475 reconfigurations and repeat this, with some
time in between (restarting the process which does the for loop), then
everything goes well.

Is there some explanation for this (e.g. max number of kernel threads or
something) ?

* I'm using the click 1.1b version (not the last cvs one) on an AMD K6 550
MHz, kernel 2.2.16.

best regards,

Brecht Vermeulen

Department of Information Technology (INTEC)
Ghent University - IMEC
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Gent

Phone : +32 9 267 35 86
Fax : +32 9 267 35 99
Email : brecht.vermeulen at intec2.rug.ac.be

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