[chord] about chord

livlovlev ys03241026 at student.ecnu.edu.cn
Mon Oct 17 06:21:47 EDT 2005

Dear sir:
    Thank you very much for your Chord source code.I have download them now,but i
can't get what i want quickly. I just want to know one thing: how do you compute
the key and  how do you assign the keys to blocks? I have learned MD5 and SHA1,but
they generate more bits (128bits and 160bits).  In my thesis for master,i just
want to give a key to a string of IP:Port,but the key need to be as short as
possible. Therefor,MD5 or SHA1 seem not proper.
   I want to know how do you use the key in the hash.Maybe this can give me any
   Wish you send me a briefly explanation! Thanks very much!
   Best Wishes!

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