[chord] retrieve data with no authentication

Emil Sit sit at MIT.EDU
Tue May 17 11:25:31 EDT 2005


> 	I want to use dhash to store some data pairs such as userid/ip
> 	and retrieve ip by userid. Here, I take the userid as key, so
> 	DHASH_NOAUTH type of insert&retrieve operation was selected. The
> 	insert operation has no problem, but there is something wrong
> 	with the retrieve operation.

Unfortunately, NOAUTH blocks are not really used in our regular
applications and so we don't know if they still work at all --- as
you (and others) have discovered, they probably don't.

We do have an app that we are starting to work on that may find
some use for these blocks so there is hope that we'll track down
the problems "soon".

Sorry :-/

Emil Sit / MIT CSAIL PDOS / http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/chord/  

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