[chord] Chord Client API

Yanyan Wang Yanyan.Wang at colorado.edu
Tue May 10 14:27:22 EDT 2005


I plan to deploy Chord on a network for some experiments. I noticed that in the
paper "Chord: A scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications"
SigComm 2001, some actual experimental results are given. Could you please let
me know which Client API you used for the experiments, is it dbm as you said in
"Chord HOWTO"?

I cannot find a detailed doc for the client APIs I could use for Chord. Do you
have other client APIs besides dbm? It would be great if you could give me some
information on this! Thanks a lot!

Yanyan :)

Yanyan Wang
Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO, 80302

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