[chord] How to use chord as a library ?

Emil Sit sit at MIT.EDU
Fri May 6 06:59:30 EDT 2005

On Fri, 06 May 2005 at 12:09 (+0800), ?????? wrote:
> test_dht : $(OBJS)
>         $(CC) -o test_dht $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -L/usr/local/lib -lsfs -L/usr/local/lib/sfs -lasync -lsvc -larpc -lsfscrypt -lsfsmisc -L/home/wuyj/sfsnet/dhash -ldhashclient -dhash -L/home/wuyj/sfsnet/utils -lutil -L/home/wuyj/sfsnet/merkle -lmerkle -L/home/wuyj/sfsnet/dhc -ldhc -L/home/wuyj/sfsnet/sfsrodb -lsfsrodb -L/usr/lib -lgmp

You must specify libraries to be linked in order from the most specific 
to the least specific, e.g. 


(Does your application need to link with libdhash?  Or just libdhashclient?)

This is a property of the way the linker resolves symbols in
libraries.  From ld(1)'s discussion of -l:

    The  linker will search an archive only once, at the location where
    it is specified on the command line.  If the archive defines a sym-
    bol  which  was  undefined in some object which appeared before the
    archive on the command line, the linker will include the  appropri-
    ate  file(s)  from the archive.  However, an undefined symbol in an
    object appearing later on the  command  line  will  not  cause  the
    linker to search the archive again.

Emil Sit / MIT CSAIL PDOS / http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/chord/  

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