[chord] Running Chord

=?gb2312?B?1tzD9Mbm?= zhouminqi at tom.com
Wed Aug 10 20:34:47 EDT 2005


 I am with problems when Running Chord.
The following one happened:

     [polpo at polpo polpo]$ lsd -j polpo:10000 -p 10000
=== Configurator::dump
chord.checkdead_interval 60
chord.checkdead_max 960
chord.find_succlist_shaving 1
chord.greedy_lookup 0
chord.max_vnodes 1024
chord.ncoords 3
chord.npred 1
chord.nsucc 16
chord.rpc_mode "stp"
debruijn.logbase 1
dhash.dfrags 7
dhash.disable_db_env 0
dhash.efrags 14
dhash.missing_outstanding_max 15
dhash.mtu 1210
dhash.sync_timer 30
dhashcli.order_successors 1
locationtable.maxcache 208
merkle.keyhash_timer 10
merkle.prt_timer 5
merkle.replica_timer 300
chord: running on
lsd: lsd: created new dhash
 1123720056:888516: creating new vnode: 28c92b70caeebbebb2a1eae4d36c54e73b08cc40lsd:  1123720056:888705 coords are: -970579 -511720 -111977
 1123720056:889017 myID is 28c92b70caeebbebb2a1eae4d36c54e73b08cc40
lsd: chord::handleProgram: chord_program_1 (344447)
lsd: chord::handleProgram: fingers_program_1 (344454)
lsd: lsd starting up at Thu Aug 11 08:27:36 2005
lsd:  running with options:
lsd:   IP/port:
lsd:   vnodes: 1
lsd:   lookup_mode: 1
lsd:   ss_mode: -1
 1123720056:926207 RPC Failure: DORPC_UNKNOWNNODE for 9173f7cbbc4f426392eca75f3a45781d292f69c2
28c92b70caeebbebb2a1eae4d36c54e73b08cc40: join RPC failed: RPC: Remote system error
28c92b70caeebbebb2a1eae4d36c54e73b08cc40: join failed, remove from vnodes?
28c92b70caeebbebb2a1eae4d36c54e73b08cc40: estimating total number of nodes as 1
28c92b70caeebbebb2a1eae4d36c54e73b08cc40: stabilize_finger: findsucc of finger 1newvnode_cb: status 2
lsd: fatal: unable to join

I have no ideal what should I do to deal with this problem.Would you hepl me ?Thanks!!
Best wishes!

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Zhou Minqi
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡zhouminqi at tom.com

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