[chord] problems with chord

Maurizio Galeone MJ6876 at mclink.it
Wed Nov 10 13:04:51 EST 2004

> Maurizio,

Hello, thanx for answering.

> You can find some systems (such as Melody) described in our
> papers listed at one of the sites below:
>    http://pdos.lcs.mit.edu/pubs.html
>    http://project-iris.net/irisbib/

That links were very usefull.
Just few other questions:
- What happens if many peers want to share
different informations with the same KEY?
(for example same filename but different content)
- What about complex queries? I could see in the 
FAQ's that complex queries aren't supported in
CHORD protocol (as well as in all the other DHT
based protocols)... but I could find some documents
that suggest methods to avoid this matter...
What can you tell me about this topic?

Thanx in advance

Best regards

Maurizio Galeone

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