[chord] problems with chord

Maurizio Galeone MJ6876 at mclink.it
Tue Nov 9 07:21:11 EST 2004

Dear sir,
I'm an italian electronic engineering graduating student
(at "La Sapienza" University of Rome).
I've read chords documents very carefully, but I couldn't
find any practical example about how your protocol works.

For example, lets suppose we have only 2(?) peers in
a filesharing network:

NODE1: shares FILE-A and FILE-B
NODE2: shares FILE-C and FILE-D
NODE3 (if needed)......

lets suppose that NODE1 is looking for FILE-D...
(consider we have an interface that asks for a filename
to the user of the NODE1)

How does this algorithm work exactly?!?

Thanx in advance

Best regards

Maurizio Galeone

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