[chord] Correctness of finger table in simulator

Ion Stoica istoica at cs.berkeley.edu
Tue Jun 8 10:21:18 EDT 2004

Verdi March wrote:

>Hi Ion,
>On Tuesday June 8 2004 am 00:26, you wrote:
>>One way to "fix" this problem is to avoid inserting
>>nodes in the fingerList when you hear from other
>This means I need to run the simulator by specifying
>num_location_cache = num_successors + num_finger - 1
>In addition, I need to change:
>  if (empty(request_list) == True)
>    return;
>  r = request_list.remove();
>  //finger_list.add(r.initiator);  //Don't insert cached node
>  //finger_list.add(r.sender);     //Don't insert cached node
>  ...
Yes, I think these are all the changes you need to do.

>>and pick size(fingerList) = 2*logN + m, 
>>where m is the number of bits of the identifier.
>>Let me know if you are interested in this approach.
>Is this under the assumption that num_successor = 2*logN ?

>Some of my experiments do not involved node failure and node
>withdrawal -- only lookups on stable condition. For these
>experiments, I think it is sufficient to use only 1 successor
>(max. size of fingerList = m)?

>>PS. Also note that in most cases chosing
>>size(fingerList) = 3*logN is good enough
>>since the first log(2log(N)) proper fingers
>>will be shared with the 2*log(N) successors,
>>so in practice you can accommodate log(N) +
>>log(2log(N)) proper fingers.
>Ah, I forgot that fingerList only keep unique fingers. That's why,
>its size can be smaller than (max_successors + max_fingers - 1).
>However, I'm still confused about #shared_proper_finger, log(2log(N)).
>By "2log(N)" do you mean "2*log(N)" or "log_2 (N)"?
I meant 2*log(N). Assuming that the successor list is 2*log(N), and the
nodes are uniformly distributed, then the expected number
of proper fingers in the successor list is log(2*log(N)).



PS. If you have more questions, you can send them directly
to me.

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