
faturup at cs.uoi.gr faturup at cs.uoi.gr
Thu Jun 3 12:41:01 EDT 2004

Hi! I a student at the department of Computer Science at the
University of Ioannina.
We are trying to use chord for our project, but we seem to be having troubles
bootstrapping chord.

We followed the instructions in the HOWTO section of the Chord Project page.
Are we doing something wrong? Here is the result.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.


[faturup at atlantis lsd]$ ./lsd -j atlantis.cs.uoi.gr:10000 -p 10000
=== Configurator::dump
chord.checkdead_interval 60
chord.checkdead_max 960
chord.find_succlist_shaving 1
chord.greedy_lookup 0
chord.max_vnodes 1024
chord.ncoords 3
chord.npred 1
chord.nsucc 16
chord.rpc_mode "stp"
debruijn.logbase 1
dhash.dfrags 7
dhash.disable_db_env 0
dhash.efrags 14
dhash.missing_outstanding_max 15
dhash.mtu 1210
dhash.sync_timer 30
dhashcli.order_successors 1
locationtable.maxcache 208
merkle.keyhash_timer 10
merkle.prt_timer 5
merkle.replica_timer 300
chord: running on
lsd: lsd: created new dhash
 1086242197:049130: creating new vnode: ef1485bf2a307354686da61b4eedaeec4e9742e
lsd:  1086242197:049201 coords are: 671323 941704 815667
 1086242197:049463 myID is ef1485bf2a307354686da61b4eedaeec4e9742e
lsd: chord::handleProgram: chord_program_1 (344447)
lsd: chord::handleProgram: fingers_program_1 (344454)
ef1485bf2a307354686da61b4eedaeec4e9742e: estimating total number of nodes as 1
ef1485bf2a307354686da61b4eedaeec4e9742e: stabilize_finger: findsucc of finger 1
lsd: chord::handleProgram: merklesync_program_1 (344450)
lsd: chord::handleProgram: dhash_program_1 (344449)
lsd: will order successors 1
lsd: lsd starting up at Thu Jun  3 08:56:37 2004
lsd:  running with options:
lsd:   IP/port:
lsd:   vnodes: 1
lsd:   lookup_mode: 1
lsd:   ss_mode: -1
 1086242199:485437 ef1485bf2a307354686da61b4eedaeec4e9742e: stabilize: stable!
stabilize timer 1000
ef1485bf2a307354686da61b4eedaeec4e9742e: my successor changed from
ef1485bf2a307354686da61b4eedaeec4e9742e to
lsd: /home/staff/faturup/src/sfsnet/sfsrodb/dbfe.C:100:
dbEnumeration::dbEnumeration(DB*, DB_ENV*): Assertion `!r' failed.

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