[chord] Question of running chord

Y Chen s0231189 at sms.ed.ac.uk
Wed Jun 2 22:30:12 EDT 2004


Thanks for the reply, and sorry for the silly question.
It moved forward a little bit, and stopped there. Is this OK? and how can I know
it join the network properly? The message show as below:

chord: running on
lsd: lsd: created new dhash
 1086206200:943832: creating new vnode: 3865d2c8a77cf7d5ee3b8659f22bfdff7d7c5aad
lsd:  1086206200:944025 coords are: 888261 -248332 -837812
 1086206200:944379 myID is 3865d2c8a77cf7d5ee3b8659f22bfdff7d7c5aad
lsd: chord::handleProgram: chord_program_1 (344447)
lsd: chord::handleProgram: fingers_program_1 (344454)
3865d2c8a77cf7d5ee3b8659f22bfdff7d7c5aad: estimating total number of nodes as 1
3865d2c8a77cf7d5ee3b8659f22bfdff7d7c5aad: stabilize_finger: findsucc of finger 1
lsd: chord::handleProgram: merklesync_program_1 (344450)
lsd: chord::handleProgram: dhash_program_1 (344449)
lsd: will order successors 1
lsd: lsd starting up at Wed Jun  2 20:56:40 2004
lsd:  running with options:
lsd:   IP/port:
lsd:   vnodes: 1
lsd:   lookup_mode: 1
lsd:   ss_mode: -1
 1086206203:464436 3865d2c8a77cf7d5ee3b8659f22bfdff7d7c5aad: stabilize: stable!
stabilize timer 1000


Many thanks!


Quoting Emil Sit <sit at MIT.EDU>:

> On Wed, 02 June 2004 at 17:14 (+0100), Y Chen wrote:
> > chord: running on
> You must specify a valid port number.  UDP ports are 16 bits long
> (e.g. see /usr/include/netinet/udp.h; the ports are u_shorts).
> Try port 9999. Or 65534.
> > k<void, ptr<vnode>, chordstat, void> >): Assertion `l' failed.
> Though, yes, this isn't the most informative error message...

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