[chord] unablet to bootstrap chord

Deji Akinyemi ihnau at netscape.net
Tue May 27 16:49:16 EDT 2003

Hi! I seem to be having problems bootstrapping chord. I am running the 
2003-05-21 version
of chord, with sfs 0.7.2, under redhat 9.0 with kernel 2.4.20.

Here is the execution dump. I followed the directions given in your 
how-to, and I made
sure to disable the firewall on my machine just in case it may be 
interefereing witht the network communications. Thanks for your time and 
I look forward to hearing from you.


# lsd -j keepthefaith:50005 -p 50005
=== Configurator::dump
chord.lookup_mode "fingerlike"
chord.ncoords 3
chord.npred 1
chord.nsucc 16
chord.rpc_mode "stp"
chord.server_selection_mode 5
debruijn.logbase 2
dhash.dfrags 7
dhash.efrags 14
dhash.missing_outstanding_max 15
locationtable.maxcache 208
merkle.keyhash_timer 10
merkle.prt_timer 5
merkle.replica_timer 3
merkle.sync_timer 30
chord: running on
lsd: lsd: created new dhash
 1054064283:506233: creating new vnode: 
lsd:  1054064283:507140 coords are: -920 -891 -806
 1054064283:508400 myID is 755c9c8e156ab7f1894417388d45ce7fb3216ebb
lsd: chord::handleProgram: 344447
lsd: lsd starting up at Tue May 27 15:38:03 2003
lsd:  running with options:
lsd:   IP/port:
lsd:   vnodes: 1
lsd:   lookup_mode: 2
lsd:   ss_mode: 1
lsd:  1054064283:606272 Higher-level RPC Failure 2
755c9c8e156ab7f1894417388d45ce7fb3216ebb: join RPC failed: RPC: Unable 
to receive
755c9c8e156ab7f1894417388d45ce7fb3216ebb: should remove me from vnodes 
since I failed to join.
newvnode_cb: status 2
lsd: fatal: unable to join

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