Trace file format Last modified: 10/02/2001 Comments to This document describes the file format for the trace files. The trace files contain a condensed version of the data blocks of a plan 9 file system. For each block in the file system, there is a corresponding record in the trace files. Multiple trace files are used to fully describe a file system to avoid the individual trace files becoming too large. In particular, each trace file is limited to one million blocks. A trace file consists of a concatenation of records. Each record contains a number of fields that are common to all blocks including the address of the block, its type, various sizes, the file it is associated with and a hash of the block's original contents. Depending on the type of the block, the record also contains additional information, including all the block pointers and most of the directory information. This extra information enables the trace file to completely describe the structure of the file system. To save file space, each record may be individually compressed using the deflate compression format (RFC1951). The following description uses a C style syntax to describe the format of data structures. The three primitive types are char, short and long, corresponding to 1 byte, 2 byte and 4 byte integers respectively. These types are stored, with no alignment, in big endian order. The integers are signed, but in reality almost none of the values are negative. Each record in a trace file is preceded by a two byte header. The high bit of the first byte indicates if the record is compressed or not. The remaining 15 bits give the size of the record in big endian order. For compressed records, the size is the compressed size. Each record commences with the following structure struct { char tag; long path; long addr; short zsize; short wsize; short dsize; char score[20]; }; The tag gives the type of the block and is one of the following enum { Null = 0, /* blank block */ Super = 1, /* super block */ Dir = 2, /* directory contents */ Ind1 = 3, /* indirection */ Ind2 = 4, /* double indirection */ File = 5, /* file contents */ }; A description of each block type is given below. Each file (including directories) has a unique identifier, called a path. The path is unique within the file system and over time, i.e. when a file is deleted, its path is not reused. Each block is associated with one and only one file. The path field indicates the file and is provided for integrity checking. The addr field gives the address of the block. Blocks are stored in sequence within a trace file. The zsize, wsize, and dsize fields give a summary of the size of the data stored in the block. Each block is a fixed size. Emelie uses 16Kb blocks while bootes uses 6KB blocks. For integrity checking, each block is labeled with its tag and path, consuming 8 bytes of every block. The effective block size is thus 6136 and 16376 bytes for bootes and emelie respectively. The zsize field gives the zero truncated size of the data in the block. Wsize gives the size of the data when compressed with a fast lempel-zip compressor we have developed. The dsize field given the size when compressed into the standard deflate format (RFC1951). The 20 byte score provides a hash of the data contained in a block. The hash is based on the sha1 algorithm, but it has been obfuscated by the addition of a secret key. The 20 byte score gives a unique identifier for the original contents of the block. The hash does not cover the 8 byte integrity label; blocks with the same score contain the same data, but perhaps have different integrity labels. What follows the initial block information depends on the type of the block. Null Blocks ----------- These blocks represent unused areas on the storage media or blocks that were corrupted. There is no additional data. Super Blocks ------------ Each snapshot of the file system generates a new super block. The super block is the root of the tree of blocks that makes up a snapshot of the file system. Each super block contains the following structure struct { long cwraddr; long roraddr; long last; long next; }; The cwraddr field gives the address of a Dir block that contains the root of the file system associated with this super block. The roraddr field gives the root address of the dump file system, which consists of a hierarchy of all the file system snapshots taken up to this point in time, including the current snapshot. The last and next fields give the address of the previous and next super blocks. Dir --- A Dir block contains an array of directory entry structures. The Plan 9 file system uses a fixed size directory entry of 88 bytes, thus a Dir block contains 186 and 69 entries on emelie and bootes respectively. The Plan 9 file system does not move directory entries; once and entry is allocated in the block, it remains at a fixed location until the file is deleted. The trace file format, however, does compact the directory entries. After the standard block information, the record contains a short indicating the number of following directory entries. All the file meta data, except the file name, is give in the trace file. Each directory entry has the structure struct { short slot; long path; long version; short mode; long size; long dblock[6]; long iblock; long diblock; long mtime; long atime; short uid; short gid; short wid; }; The slot field specifies the position of the directory entry in the original directory block. The entries are stored in ascending order. The path field gives the identifier for the file. All the blocks associated with this file will have this path value. The version field is updated every time a write is performed to the file. Plan 9 uses this field to determine if a file has been modified. The mode field indicates the permission bits and other attributes of the file. The bits have the following meanings: 0x4000 a directory 0x2000 append only 0x1000 a lock file 0x0100 owner read permission 0x0080 owner write permission 0x0040 owner exec permission 0x0020 group read permission 0x0010 group write permission 0x0008 group exec permission 0x0004 other read permission 0x0002 other write permission 0x0001 other exec permission The size field gives the length of the file. For directories, the size field is not used and should be zero. The size of files is limited to 2^31 – 1. The dblock, iblock, and diblock fields provide the pointer to the blocks associated with the file. There are 6 direct pointers, one indirect pointer and one double indirect pointer. A value of zero in a pointer field indicates a null pointer. Directory files contain no holes, but data files may. The mtime and atime fields give the time (GMT seconds since 1/1/1970) that the file was last modified and accessed respectively. The uid, gid, and wid fields give the user id for the owner, group, and most recent modifier of the file. The mapping from user id to user name is not given. Ind1 ---- Ind1 blocks contain pointers to File or Dir blocks. Each block pointer is a long and the file system stores 1524 pointers per block for bootes and 4094 pointers per block for emelie. The block is zero truncated in the trace file. After the standard block information, the record contains a short indicating the number of following pointers. Ind1 ---- Ind2 blocks contain are double indirection blocks and contains pointer to Ind1 blocks. They are stored in the trace file in the same manner and Ind1 blocks. File ---- File blocks contain data for regular files. No additional information is provided in the trace.