MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
32 Vassar Street, Room 32-G978 Cambridge, MA 02139 617-596-5662 |
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Up until 2010 I was a a graduate student in the PDOS group at MIT CSAIL, where I worked on distributed systems, including networks, operating systems, and storage systems. Past projects include Eyo, a device transparent storage system that presents a single view of personal data collections, even from disconnected devices that cannot hold the entire collection locally, UIA, an overlay network that allows individuals to group devices by short readable names, and reach them regardless of their current network location, and Spruce (download code), an available bandwidth estimation tool. My CV.
I currently work at Amazon Web Services.
6.033 Spring 2013
6.033 Spring 2011
6.001 Fall 2007
6.090 IAP 2007
6.001 Spring 2006
6.033 Spring 2004
6.829 Fall 2002
6.001 Spring 2001
Eyo: Device-Transparent Personal Storage. Jacob Strauss, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Chris Lesniewski-Laas, Bryan Ford, Robert Morris, and Frans Kaashoek. In the Proceedings of the 2011 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX '11), Portland, OR, June 2011. (PDF, talk slides)
Device-Transparency: a New Model for Mobile Storage. Jacob Strauss, Chris Lesniewski-Laas, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Bryan Ford, Robert Morris, and Frans Kaashoek. In the Proceedings of the SOSP Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage'09), Big Sky, MT, October 2009. Also published in SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 44(1):5-9, 2010 (PDF, talk slides)
An Offline Foundation for Online Accountable Pseudonyms. Bryan Ford and Jacob Strauss. In the Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Social Network Systems (SocialNets 2008), Glasgow, Scotland, April 2008. (PDF, talk slides)
Mynet: A Platform for Secure P2P Personal and Social Networking Services. Dimitris N. Kalofonos, Zoe Antoniou, Franklin D. Reynolds, Max Van-Kleek, Jacob Strauss, and Paul Wisner. In the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2008), Hong Kong, March 2008. (PDF)
Persistent Personal Names for Globally Connected Mobile Devices. Bryan Ford, Jacob Strauss, Chris Lesniewski-Laas, Sean Rhea, Frans Kaashoek, and Robert Morris. In the Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '06), Seattle, Washington, November 2006. (PDF)
User-Relative Names for Globally Connected Personal Devices. Bryan Ford, Jacob Strauss, Chris Lesniewski-Laas, Sean Rhea, Frans Kaashoek, and Robert Morris. In the Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS06), Santa Barbara, CA, February 2006. (PDF, talk slides)
MultiQ: Automated Detection of Multiple Bottleneck Capacities Along a Path. Sachin Katti, Dina Katabi, Charles Blake, Eddie Kohler, and Jacob Strauss. In the Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference '04, Taormina, Sicily, Italy, October 2004. (PDF)
A Measurement Study of Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools. Jacob Strauss, Dina Katabi, and Frans Kaashoek. In the Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference '03, Miami, Florida, October 2003. (PDF, talk slides, spruce source code)
M&M: A Passive Toolkit for Measuring, Correlating, and Tracking Path Characteristics. Sachin Katti, Dina Katabi, Eddie Kohler, and Jacob Strauss. MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory technical report MIT-CSAIL-TR-945, April 2004. (PDF)
Choosing Internet Paths with High Bulk Transfer Capacity. Jacob Strauss. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 2002. (PDF)