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Hardcoding boot-time information

This is the original method of configuring boot-time information and remains primarily for compatibility. For historical reasons the program that implements it is called rconsoled. The file lib/libexos/netinet/hosttable/get_ether_from_ip.c contains the default netmask of and gateway of Both of these will likely have to be changed. The file lib/libexeos/netinet/hosttable/hostable.c contains a map from ethernet addresses to ip addresses. Make sure your machine has an entry in this file. Each line is of the form:

   /* 1 */ {"panam", {18,26,4,38}, {0x0,0x0,0xc0,0x81,0xe0,0xe2}, 1},

The first field is the machine's name. The second field is the machine's ip address. The third field is the ethernet address of the primary interface. The fourth field is which interface is the primary interface. The numbering of interfaces is as follows: 0 is for loopback, 1 to MAXSMC [*] is 10mbs ethernet and MAXSMC+1 to MAXSMC + MAXTULIPS + MAXSMX + 1 is for 100mbs ethernet.

Finally, the NFS server and root path are passed via environment variables at compile time. Make sure that NFS_ROOT_PATH and NFS_ROOT_HOST are defined. For example, I have the following lines in my .cshrc to setup these variables.

# building exopc
setenv NFS_ROOT_HOST '\"plebic\"'
setenv EXODEST /home/pinckney/exopc/root
setenv NFS_ROOT_PATH '\"/home/pinckney/exopc/root\"'

Thomas Pinckney