6.824 2004 Lecture 13: Memory Consistency (1) Derived from Adve and Gharachorloo, "Shared Memory Consistency Models: A Tutorial", WRL Research Report 95/7. Replicated data a huge theme in distributed systems For performance and fault tolerance Often easier to replicate data than computation (Hypervisor...) Examples: Replicated mailboxes and user info in Porcupine. Caches in NFS and Echo. File server in labs 4 and 5. shared-memory multiprocessors All these examples involve sophisticated optimizations for performance How do we know if an optimization is correct? We need to know how to think about correct execution of distributed programs. Most of these ideas from multiprocessors 20/30 years ago. So I'll talk about memory, loads, stores. But ideas are similar for e.g. lab 5 For now, just correctness and efficiency, not fault-tolerance. How do we know what uniprocessor programs mean? execute instructions one at a time wait for each to finish before starting the next one so LD gets value of most recent previous ST to same address This is a useful definition because programmer can use it to predict what program will do, and thus write correct programs you can tell this is a *definition* because modern CPUs don't work like this; they break this rule; lots of logic to ensure they *look* like they are enforcing it Example of why CPU doesn't want to *implement* the uniprocessor rule: MUL R1, R2, R3 ST x, R1 LD y, R4 MUL is pretty slow, ST has to wait for it. Dependency via R1. But LD does not need to wait: will get same result if we execute it early. So generally the LD executes before the ST, for speed. But CPU h/w checks if x==y, stalls LD if they are equal. Point: this optimization only possible w/ a definition! Suppose we have a multiprocessor And are running a program on multiple CPUs. Can we come up with examples where memory system behavior matters? Example 1: CPU0: value = compute(); ST value, R1 done = true; ST done, 1 CPU1: while(done == false) LD R2, done ; use(value); LD R3, value This looks like it ought to "work". But the ST done is probably ready to issue long before the ST value. The x86 stalls the ST done until after the ST value. Its memory model requires a CPU's writes to be made visible in order. But the Alpha would execute the ST done first! Its model only requires ordered writes for each memory location. So this code works on x86 but not on the Alpha. MB instructions... Example 2: Simple mutual exclusion algorithm, for locking. x and y start as 0. CPU0: x = 1; if(y == 0) critical section; CPU1: y = 1; if(x == 0) critical section; Why should this work? If CPU0 sees y == 0, CPU1 can't have reached "y = 1", so CPU1 must see x == 1, so it won't execute critical section. But this does not work on any modern CPU! Each CPU will execute LD before ST. Point: things don't just work out, you have to have well-defined rules. How can we write correct programs for multi-processors? Memory system promises to behave according to certain rules. We write programs assuming those rules. Rules are a "consistency model" Contract between memory system and programmer Hard: efficient? easy to program? backwards compatible? How about "strict consistency": Rule 1: LD gets value of most recent previous ST to same address Rule 2: each CPU executes its own instructions in order Essentially the same as on uniprocessor What does "most recent" mean? Wall-clock time at which instruction issued. Strict consistency would get correct results for Example 2. If CPU0 is in critical section, then LD of y returned 0, and was preceded by "x = 1". (rule 2) If LD of y returned 0, then "y = 1" had not executed (rule 1). If "y = 1" not reached, no subsequent CPU1 intructions executed. (rule 2) When CPU1 reads x, it will see 1. (rule 1) In general strict consistency produces intuitive behavior. How do you implement strict consistency? Time: 1 2 3 4 CPU0: ST ST CPU1: LD LD Time between instructions << speed-of-light between CPUs! How is LD@2 even aware of ST@1? How does ST@4 know to pause until LD@3 has finished? Too hard to implement! Sequential consistency Reasonable semantics, easy to implement. Rule 1: all CPUs see all reads+writes in the same total order Rule 2: each CPU executes its own instructions in order Sequential consistency gets Example 2 right. Let's try to prove by contradiction. Suppose both CPUs entered the critical section. CPU0: ST x, 0 ; ...; ST x, 1 ; LD y CPU1: ST y, 0 ; ...; ST y, 1 ; LD x We need to merge these operations into a total order that results in both LDs seeing zero. Let's use arrows to show the partial ordering we have to preserve. Arrows for instructions of each CPU (rule 2). Arrow from "LD y" to before "ST y, 1" (rule 1). Arrow from "LD x" to before "XT x, 1" (rule 1). There's a cycle here. So we cannot produce a total order. This idea of "as if in some serial order" comes up a lot. Easy to understand: one at a time, as if not concurrent. Easy to implement: system can choose order.