6.824 2004 Lecture 9: Cryptographic Protocols Example system to talk about threats On-line ordering system Me, Internet, Amazon I type my credit card number Goal: I get the book I wanted, Amazon gets $20 Potential problems What if a bad person is tapping an Internet link? Network cables typically not physically secure. What if a bad person has broken into an Internet router? They are just computers... How do I know I'm talking to Amazon? How does Amazon know I'm allowed to use that credit card? What if a bad Amazon employee gets a copy of my credit card number? What if Amazon sends me the wrong book by mistake? What if someone steals the book out of my mail box? What if someone has broken into my workstation? Or my file server? Where did my browser come from? Or my O/S? What if my display or keyboard radiates? Example of a secure system design: Secure telephone between FBI and CIA Goal: only people in FBI and CIA buildings allowed to know Plan: Radiation-proof buildings Only one entrance/exit per building Armed guards at entrances Guards check ID cards and record all in/out Pressurized shielded cable between two buildings No other cables allowed to leave the buildings Pass laws to punish people who reveal government secrets Invite NSA to try to steal the messages Send fake information, spy on the KGB to see if they learn that info Note that we're unlikely to achieve perfect security No individual technique is perfect Pressurized cable only raises attacker's cost You can't completely shield a building Anyone can be bribed or blackmailed We could meet our stated goal but goals could be inappropriate Maybe FBI and CIA have uncleared visitors in the building Maybe some employees leave the building and talk in their sleep Why don't we forbid employees from leaving the building? General methodology for building secure systems Figure out what you are trying to protect and how much it's worth Figure out what attacks you're trying to defend against State goals or desired properties clearly Not "impossible to break" How about "attack X on resource Y would cost $Z dollars" Structure system so it has two kinds of components: Trusted and un-trusted Build secure perimeter around trusted components Perhaps using physical, legal, or cryptographic techniques Minimize the size of the trusted components "Trusted" means "could betray you" Maybe we should have built a secure *room*, not building Analyze the resulting system, and monitor its success What really works? Avoid exposure: unplug that Internet connection. Audit: balance your check-book. Assume you will lose: be able to tolerate losses (insurance). Use legal or social mechanisms: much more mature+powerful than technical schemes. What are we going to talk about in 6.824? Cryptography, since it's well understood. System structure, since that's what makes systems secure. What properties can cryptography help us achieve? 1. Privacy / confidentiality 2. Integrity / authenticity What low-level crypto primitives are available? There are many, we will talk about five. Our goal is to understand system designs. Not to learn to build to crypto primitives, not to understand why they're secure. Even using crypto primitives correctly is very hard. So we just want to know what properties we can assume. Symmetric-key ciphers. Examples: DES, Idea, RC4 Plain text, cipher text, key. Encrypt(P, K) -> C Decrypt(C, K) -> P Properties: If all you know is C, you cannot easily derive P or K. Typically K is kept secret, known by two communicating parties. Typically used for privacy. Typically pretty fast. Problem: key distribution; how do two parties securely share a key? Public-key ciphers. Example: RSA Two keys, typically called "public" and "private". Encrypt(M1, K1) -> M2 Decrypt(M2, K2) -> M1 Properties: If all you know is M2 and K1, you cannot derive M1. If all you know is M1 and K2, you cannot derive a matching M2. If all you know is K1, you cannot derive K2. If all you know is K2, you cannot derive K1. Two typical uses: Privacy: only I know K2, but I make K1 public. Only I can read M2; private to me. Integrity: only I know K1, but I make K2 public. Only I can produce an M2 that decrypts to M1. Typically very slow: 10s of milliseconds. Problem: key distribution; how did I securely learn your public key? Cryptographic hashes. Examples: MD5, SHA-1. Hash(X) -> Y X can be as large as you like, Y is typically 128 or 160 bits. Property: If all you know is Y, you cannot find an X s.t. Hash(X) == Y. Typical use: Integrity: I give you a small hash that you can use to verify lots of data. Very fast. Message Authentication Code Or "keyed hash" Suppose we both know a key, K. If I want to send you M1 so you'll know it's from me, I send you M2 = M1 + Hash(K + M1) Certificate Suppose we want publically verifiable documents. Example: electronic MIT ID card. Registrar generates M1 = "Robert Morris works at MIT." Gives me M2 = M1 + RSAEncrypt(Hash(M1), MIT's private key) Anyone who knows MIT's public key can check this. So *I* can carry around M2 and use it to convince anyone that I work at MIT. They don't have to talk directly to MIT to verify this. No problem that data came via untrusted channel (me). MIT probably wants to include expiration date, picture, ID #, &c in M1. Nasty problems: staleness, revocation, expiration. Let's try to build a secure channel with these tools. Goal: Alice and Bob want to communicate over the Internet. Want to make sure that only they can read what they send. Want to make sure they are really talking to each other. Assume: they know each others' public keys. E_A means encrypt with Alice's public key (so only Alice can read it). S_A means sign with Alice's private key. Straw man protocol: Alice initiates. K = random session key (to be used for DES and/or SHA-1). T = current time Alice sends E_B(S_A(K, T)) Bob decrypts, checks signature, checks T, uses K to talk to Alice. So Alice could now send Encrypt(K, "Give Sam an A in 6.824") Why does Alice sign? so Bob knows it's really Alice Why does Alice encrypt with Bob's public key? so Alice knows only Bob can read K What's the point of T? so Bob knows it's not a replay from last year Why does this protocol have a big hole? After Bob sees E_B(S_A(K, T)), Bob can send Carol E_C(S_A(K, T)) Now Carol thinks she is talking to Alice. Since Bob knows K, Bob can send Carol messages as if from Alice. e.g. Encrypt(K, "Buy two tickets to Cuba") This is called a man-in-the-middle attack. What's the problem? What exactly can Bob or Carol conclude from E_B(S_A(K, T)) You can't conclude anything from the E_B(...) part, since anyone can encrypt with Bob's private key. You can't even claim that only Bob knows the contents, since you know whoever encrytped ... also knows the contents. You can conclude something from S_A(K, T), but what? Just that Alice recently signed it. And perhaps that she meant to communicate with *somebody*. But you don't know who. We can fix this by making the message explicit: S_A("Alice", "Bob", K, T) Then Carol will know it's not for her. There are also problems with the timestamp T, and with exactly how to use K.