Lab: page tables

In this lab you will explore page tables and modify them to implement common OS features.

Before you start coding, read Chapter 3 of the xv6 book, and related files:

It may also help to consult the RISC-V privileged architecture manual.

To start the lab, switch to the pgtbl branch:

  $ git fetch
  $ git checkout pgtbl
  $ make clean

Inspect a user-process page table

To help you understand RISC-V page tables, your first task is to explain the page table for a user process.

Run make qemu and run the user program pgtbltest. The print_pgtbl functions prints out the page-table entries for the first 10 and last 10 pages of the pgtbltest process using the pgpte system call that we added to xv6 for this lab. The output looks as follows:

va 0 pte 0x21FCF45B pa 0x87F3D000 perm 0x5B
va 1000 pte 0x21FCE85B pa 0x87F3A000 perm 0x5B
va 0xFFFFD000 pte 0x0 pa 0x0 perm 0x0
va 0xFFFFE000 pte 0x21FD80C7 pa 0x87F60000 perm 0xC7
va 0xFFFFF000 pte 0x20001C4B pa 0x80007000 perm 0x4B
For every page table entry in the print_pgtbl output, explain what it logically contains and what its permission bits are. Figure 3.4 in the xv6 book might be helpful, although note that the figure might have a slightly different set of pages than process that's being inspected here. Note that xv6 doesn't place the virtual pages consecutively in physical memory.

Speed up system calls

Some operating systems (e.g., Linux) speed up certain system calls by sharing data in a read-only region between userspace and the kernel. This eliminates the need for kernel crossings when performing these system calls. To help you learn how to insert mappings into a page table, your first task is to implement this optimization for the getpid() system call in xv6.

When each process is created, map one read-only page at USYSCALL (a virtual address defined in memlayout.h). At the start of this page, store a struct usyscall (also defined in memlayout.h), and initialize it to store the PID of the current process. For this lab, ugetpid() has been provided on the userspace side and will automatically use the USYSCALL mapping. You will receive full credit for this part of the lab if the ugetpid test case passes when running pgtbltest.

Some hints:

Which other xv6 system call(s) could be made faster using this shared page? Explain how.

Print a page table

To help you visualize RISC-V page tables, and perhaps to aid future debugging, your next task is to write a function that prints the contents of a page table.

We added a system call kpgtbl(), which calls vmprint() in vm.c. It takes a pagetable_t argument, and your job is to print that pagetable in the format described below.

When you run print_kpgtbl() test, your implementation should print the following output:

page table 0x0000000087f22000
 ..0x0000000000000000: pte 0x0000000021fc7801 pa 0x0000000087f1e000
 .. ..0x0000000000000000: pte 0x0000000021fc7401 pa 0x0000000087f1d000
 .. .. ..0x0000000000000000: pte 0x0000000021fc7c5b pa 0x0000000087f1f000
 .. .. ..0x0000000000001000: pte 0x0000000021fc70d7 pa 0x0000000087f1c000
 .. .. ..0x0000000000002000: pte 0x0000000021fc6c07 pa 0x0000000087f1b000
 .. .. ..0x0000000000003000: pte 0x0000000021fc68d7 pa 0x0000000087f1a000
 ..0xffffffffc0000000: pte 0x0000000021fc8401 pa 0x0000000087f21000
 .. ..0xffffffffffe00000: pte 0x0000000021fc8001 pa 0x0000000087f20000
 .. .. ..0xffffffffffffd000: pte 0x0000000021fd4c13 pa 0x0000000087f53000
 .. .. ..0xffffffffffffe000: pte 0x0000000021fd00c7 pa 0x0000000087f40000
 .. .. ..0xfffffffffffff000: pte 0x000000002000184b pa 0x0000000080006000
The first line displays the argument to vmprint. After that there is a line for each PTE, including PTEs that refer to page-table pages deeper in the tree. Each PTE line is indented by a number of " .." that indicates its depth in the tree. Each PTE line shows its virtual addresss, the pte bits, and the physical address extracted from the PTE. Don't print PTEs that are not valid. In the above example, the top-level page-table page has mappings for entries 0 and 255. The next level down for entry 0 has only index 0 mapped, and the bottom-level for that index 0 has a few entries mapped.

Your code might emit different physical addresses than those shown above. The number of entries and the virtual addresses should be the same.

Some hints:

For every leaf page in the vmprint output, explain what it logically contains and what its permission bits are, and how it relates to the output of the earlier print_pgtbl() exercise above. Figure 3.4 in the xv6 book might be helpful, although note that the figure might have a slightly different set of pages than the process that's being inspected here.

Use superpages /

The RISC-V paging hardware supports two-megabyte pages as well as ordinary 4096-byte pages. The general idea of larger pages is called superpages, and (since RISC-V supports more than one size) 2M pages are called megapages. The operating system creates a superpage by setting the PTE_V and PTE_R bits in the level-1 PTE, and setting the physical page number to point to the start of a two-megabyte region of physical memory. This physical address must be two-mega-byte aligned (i.e., a multiple of two megabytes). You can read about this in the RISC-V privileged manual by searching for megapage and superpage; in particular, the top of page 112. Use of superpages decreases the amount of physical memory used by the page table, and can decrease misses in the TLB cache. For some programs this leads to large increases in performance.
Your job is to modify the xv6 kernel to use superpages. In particular, if a user program calls sbrk() with a size of 2 megabytes or more, and the newly created address range includes one or more areas that are two-megabyte-aligned and at least two megabytes in size, the kernel should use a single superpage (instead of hundreds of ordinary pages). You will receive full credit for this part of the lab if the superpg_test test case passes when running pgtbltest.

Some hints:

Real operating systems dynamically promote a collection of pages to a superpage. The following reference explains why that is a good idea and what is hard in a more serious design: Juan Navarro, Sitaram Iyer, Peter Druschel, and Alan Cox. Practical, transparent operating system support for superpages. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 36(SI):89-104, December 2002. This reference summarizes superpage-implementations for different OSes: A comprehensive analysis of superpage management mechanism and policies.

Submit the lab

Time spent

Create a new file, time.txt, and put in a single integer, the number of hours you spent on the lab. git add and git commit the file.


If this lab had questions, write up your answers in answers-*.txt. git add and git commit these files.


Assignment submissions are handled by Gradescope. You will need an MIT gradescope account. See Piazza for the entry code to join the class. Use this link if you need more help joining.

When you're ready to submit, run make zipball, which will generate Upload this zip file to the corresponding Gradescope assignment.

If you run make zipball and you have either uncomitted changes or untracked files, you will see output similar to the following:

 M hello.c
?? bar.c
?? foo.pyc
Untracked files will not be handed in.  Continue? [y/N]
Inspect the above lines and make sure all files that your lab solution needs are tracked, i.e., not listed in a line that begins with ??. You can cause git to track a new file that you create using git add {filename}.

Optional challenge exercises