6.1810 2022 Lecture 5: RISC-V calling convention, stack frames, and gdb C code is compiled to machine instructions. How does the machine work at a lower level? How does this translation work? How to interact between C and asm Why this matters: sometimes need to write code not expressible in C And you need this for the syscall lab! RISC-V abstract machine No C-like control flow, no concept of variables, types ... Base ISA: Program counter, 32 general-purpose registers (x0--x31) reg | name | saver | description -------+-------+--------+------------ x0 | zero | | hardwired zero x1 | ra | caller | return address x2 | sp | callee | stack pointer x3 | gp | | global pointer x4 | tp | | thread pointer x5-7 | t0-2 | caller | temporary registers x8 | s0/fp | callee | saved register / frame pointer x9 | s1 | callee | saved register x10-11 | a0-1 | caller | function arguments / return values x12-17 | a2-7 | caller | function arguments x18-27 | s2-11 | callee | saved registers x28-31 | t3-6 | caller | temporary registers pc | | | program counter Running example: sum_to(n) int sum_to(int n) { int acc = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { acc += i; } return acc; } What does this look like in assembly code? # sum_to(n) # expects argument in a0 # returns result in a0 sum_to: mv t0, a0 # t0 <- a0 li a0, 0 # a0 <- 0 loop: add a0, a0, t0 # a0 <- a0 + t0 addi t0, t0, -1 # t0 <- t0 - 1 bnez t0, loop # if t0 != 0: pc <- loop ret Limited abstractions No typed, positional arguments No local variables Only registers Machine doesn't even see assembly code Sees binary encoding of machine instructions Each instruction: 16 bits or 32 bits E.g. `mv t0, a0` is encoded as 0x82aa Not quite 1-to-1 encoding from asm, but close How would another function call sum_to? main: li a0, 10 # a0 <- 10 call sum_to What are the semantics of call? call label := ra <- pc + 4 ; ra <- address of next instruction pc <- label ; jump to label Machine doesn't understand labels Translated to either pc-relative or absolute jumps What are the semantics of return? ret := pc <- ra Let's try it out: demo1.S (gdb) file user/_demo1 (gdb) break main (gdb) continue Why does it stop before running demo1? (gdb) layout split (gdb) stepi (gdb) info registers (gdb) p $a0 (gdb) advance 18 (gdb) si (gdb) p $a0 What if we wanted a function calling another function? # sum_then_double(n) # expects argument in a0 # returns result in a0 sum_then_double: call sum_to li t0, 2 # t0 <- 2 mul a0, a0, t0 # a0 <- a0 * t0 ret main: li a0, 10 call sum_then_double Let's try it out: demo2.S We get stuck in an infinite loop Why: overwrote return address (ra) How to fix: save ra somewhere In another register? Won't work, just defers problem. Solution: save on stack sum_then_double: addi sp, sp, 16 # function prologue: sd ra, 0(sp) # make space on stack, save registers call sum_to li t0, 2 mul a0, a0, t0 ld ra, 0(sp) # function epilogue: addi sp, sp, -16 # restore registers, restore stack pointer ret Let's try it out: demo3.S (gdb) ... (gdb) nexti So far, our functions coordinated with each other This worked because we were writing all the code involved Could have written it any other way E.g. passing arguments in t2, getting return value in t3 Conventions surrounding this: "calling convention" How are arguments passed? a0, a1, ..., a7, rest on stack How are values returned? a0, a1 Who saves registers? Designated as caller or callee saved Could ra be a callee-saved register? Our assembly code should follow this convention C code generated by GCC follows this convention This means that everyone's code can interop, incl C/asm interop Read: demo4.c / demo4.asm Can see function prologue, body, epilogue Why doesn't it save ra? Leaf function, not needed What is going on with s0/fp? We compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer Stack . . +-> . | +-----------------+ | | | return address | | | | previous fp ------+ | | saved registers | | | local variables | | | ... | <-+ | +-----------------+ | | | return address | | +------ previous fp | | | saved registers | | | local variables | | +-> | ... | | | +-----------------+ | | | return address | | | | previous fp ------+ | | saved registers | | | local variables | | | ... | <-+ | +-----------------+ | | | return address | | +------ previous fp | | | saved registers | | | local variables | | $fp --> | ... | | +-----------------+ | | return address | | | previous fp ------+ | saved registers | $sp --> | local variables | +-----------------+ Demo program: demo5.c (gdb) break g (gdb) si (gdb) si (gdb) si (gdb) si (gdb) p $sp (gdb) p $fp (gdb) x/g $fp-16 (gdb) x/g 0x0000000000002fd0-16 Stack diagram: 0x2fe0 | 0x2fd8 | \ 0x2fd0 | / stack frame for main 0x2fc8 | ra into main \ $fp --> 0x2fc0 | 0x0000000000002fe0 / stack frame for f 0x2fb8 | ra into f \ $sp --> 0x2fb0 | 0x0000000000002fd0 / stack frame for g GDB can automate this reasoning for us Plus, it can use debug info to reason about leaf functions, etc. (gdb) backtrace (gdb) info frame (gdb) frame 1 (gdb) info frame (gdb) frame 2 (gdb) info frame Calling C from asm / calling asm from C Follow calling convention and everything will work out Write function prototype so C knows how to call assembly Demo: demo6.c / demo6_asm.S Why do we use s0/s1 instead of e.g. t0/t1? (gdb) b sum_squares_to (gdb) si ... (gdb) x/4g $sp (gdb) si ... Inline assembly Structs C struct layout rules Why: misaligned load/store can be slow or unsupported (platform-dependent) __attribute__((packed)) How to access and manipulate C structs from assembly? Generally passed by reference Need to know struct layout Demo: demo7.c / demo7_asm.S Debugging examine: inspect memory contents x/nfu addr n: count f: format u: unit size step/next/finish step: next line of C code next: next line of C code, skipping over function calls finish: continue executing until end of current function call stepi/nexti stepi: next assembly instruction nexti: next assembly instruction, skipping over function calls layout next steps through layouts conditional breakpoints break, only when a condition holds (e.g. variable has a certain value) watchpoints break when a memory location changes value GDB is a very powerful tool Read the manual for more! But you probably don't need all the fancy features for this class References RISC-V ISA specification: https://riscv.org/specifications/ Contains detailed information RISC-V ISA Reference: https://rv8.io/isa Overview of instructions RISC-V assembly language reference: https://rv8.io/asm Overview of directives, pseudo-instructions, and more