6.828 2016 Lecture 8: Page faults == * plan: cool things you can do with vm - Better performance/efficiency e.g., one zero-filled page e.g., copy-on-write fork - New features e.g., memory-mapped files * virtual memory: several views * primary purpose: isolation each process has its own address space * Virtual memory provides a level-of-indirection provides kernel with opportunity to do cool stuff already some examples: - shared trampoline page - guard page but more possible... * Key idea: change page tables on page fault Page fault is a form of a trap (like a system call) Xv6 panics on page fault But you don't have to panic! Instead: update page table instead of panic restart instruction (see userret() from traps lecture) Combination of page faults and updating page table is powerful! * RISC-V page faults 3 of 16 exceptions are related to paging Exceptions cause controlled transfers to kernel See traps lecture * Information we might need at page fault to do something interesting: 1) The virtual address that caused the fault See stval register; page faults set it to the fault address 2) The type of violation that caused the fault See scause register value (instruction, load, and Store page fault) 3) The instruction and mode where the fault occurred User IP: tf->epc U/K mode: implicit in usertrap/kerneltrap * lazy/on-demand page allocation * sbrk() is old fashioned; applications often ask for memory they need - for example, the allocate for the largest possible input but an application will typically use less if they ask for much, sbrk() could be expensive - for example, if all memory is in use, have to wait until kernel has evicted some pages to free up memory sbrk allocates memory that may never be used. * moderns OSes allocate memory lazily plan: allocate physical memory when application needs it adjust p->sz on sbrk, but don't allocate when application uses that memory, it will result in page fault on pagefault allocate memory resume at the fault instruction may use less memory if not used, no fault, no allocation spreads the cost of allocation over the page faults instead of upfront in sbrk() * demo modify sysproc.c modify trap.c modify vm.c * one zero-filled page (zero fill on demand) * applications often have large part of memory that must zero global arrays, etc. the "block starting symbol" (bbs) segment * thus, kernel must often fill a page with zeros * idea: memset *one* page with zeros map that page copy-on-write when kernel needs zero-filled page on write make copy of page and map it read/write in app address space * copy-on-write fork * observation: xv6 fork copies all pages from parent (see fork()) but fork is often immediately followed by exec * idea: share address space between parent and child modify fork() to map pages copy-on-write use extra available system bits (RSW) in PTEs on page fault, make copy of page and map it read/write * demand paging * observation: exec loads the complete file into memory (see exec.c) expensive: takes time to do so (e.g., file is stored on a slow disk) unnecessary: maybe not the whole file will be used * idea: load pages from the file on demand allocate page table entries, but mark them on-demand on fault, read the page in from the file and update page table entry need to keep some meta information about where a page is located on disk this information is typically in structure called virtual memory area (VMA) * challenge: file larger than physical memory (see next idea) * use virtual memory larger than physical memory * observation: application may need more memory than there is physical memory * idea: store less-frequently used parts of the address space on disk page-in and page-out pages of the address address space transparently * works when working sets fits in physical memory most popular replacement strategy: least-recently used (LRU) the A(cess) bit in the PTE helps the kernel implementing LRU * demo: run top and vmstat on laptop and dialup.athena.mit.edu see VIRT RES MEM SHR columns * memory-mapped files * idea: allow access to files using load and store can easily read and writes part of a file e.g., don't have to change offset using lseek system call * Unix systems a new system call for m-mapped files: void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset); * kernel page-in pages of a file on demand when memory is full, page-out pages of a file that are not frequently used * shared virtual memory * idea: allow processes on different machines to share virtual memory gives the illusion of physical shared memory, across a network * replicate pages that are only read * invalidate copies on write * TLB management CPUs caches paging translation for speed xv6 flushes entire TLB during user/kernel transitions why? RISC-V allows more sophisticated plans * PTE_G: global TLB bits what page could use this? * ASID numbers TLB entries are tagged with ASID, so kernel can flush selectively SATP takes an ASID number sfence.vma also takes an ASID number * Large pages 2MB and 1GB * Virtual memory is still evolving Recent changes in Linux PKTI to handle meltdown side-channel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_page-table_isolation) xv6 basically implements KPTI Somewhat recent changes Support for 5-level page tables (57 address bits!) Support for ASIDs Less recent changes Support for large pages NX (No eXecute) PTE_X flag --- COW in Linux https://lwn.net/Articles/849876/