Q: Are there any exokernel-based operating systems in active use? A: Not that we know off In general you should expect the impact of research to take the form of ideas that influence later research and perhaps eventually commercial practice. This kind of influence is often hard to trace precisely, but here's what I think. Today's UNIX systems give applications far greater control over low-level mechanisms such as virtual memory than they did in the 1990s, probably due in part to the example set by the exokernel. Library operating systems are used reasonably frequently (look up the Unikernel), again due partly to the exokernel. Virtual machine monitors have exokernel-like low-level interfaces to guest operating systems. Why people don't use exokernels today? The short answer is that existing operating systems are good enough that no-one is going to be very motivated to switch to something new. The longer answer is that an industrial-strength operating system takes a huge amount of time and effort to develop, so someone has to believe it will be very popular before they devote the effort to develop an exokernel into a full-featured O/S. After all, to attract more than zero users you need to be at least as capable as whatever commercial or free O/S people are already using -- at least as many features, hardware support, performance in every dimension, support for X windows, TCP, &c. Even then, your users will have to port their applications to exploit the exokernel's special features (rather than just using a UNIX-compatible library O/S) if they want to get more performance from the exokernel than from Windows, Linux, &c. They won't do that unless they have a serious performance or flexibility problem with their current O/S. Even then, it's typically more cost-effective to work around the limitations of your existing O/S than to port to a radically different platform. Sometimes niche situations (embedded controllers, smart phones, &c) come along that provide openings for new operating systems, but this requires a good deal of luck. Q: In what kind of applications is an exokernel operating system preferable? There are naturally tradeoffs with the extra flexibility provided e.g. it is easier to make a mistake in user code. A: An exokernel is most attractive to an application that needs to do something that is possible with an exokernel, but not possible with other kernels. The main area in which the 1995 exokernel paper increased flexibility was virtual memory. It turns out there are a bunch of neat techniques applications can use if they have low-level access to virtual memory mappings; the Appel and Li paper (citation [5]) discusses some of them. Examples include distributed shared memory and certain garbage collection tricks. Many operating systems in 1995 didn't give enough low-level access to virtual memory mappings to implement such techniques, but the exokernel did. The exokernel authors wrote a later paper (in SOSP 1997) that describes some examples in much more depth, including a web server that uses a customized file system layout to provide very high performance. Q: Does every process need its own library for abstractions (e.g. filesystems)? Wouldn't that cost a lot of space? How can they share? Does library operating system refer to the library itself, or the combination of libary+exokernel? Does exposing names/allocation reveal too much information about other running processes (leading to security issue)? A: Every process would need a library operating system. Maybe the libraries would use a lot of memory, though this is rarely a serious problem. If it was a problem, the processes could probably arrange to share the physical pages containing the library, so that only one copy had to be stored in RAM. The paper uses "library operating system" to refer to the library itself, not to the kernel. I agree that there are probably things that the exokernel should not reveal to all processes, though nothing comes to mind at the moment. After all, anyone can run the ps command on Athena, and it doesn't seem to cause security problems. Q: What are some examples of library operating systems in use other than ExOS? Are library operating systems popular now in production? A: Have a look at the Unikernel: http://anil.recoil.org/papers/2013-asplos-mirage.pdf Q: What exactly are the differences between microkernel vs exokernel? A: A microkernel focuses on IPC between processes. The intent is that most operating system functionality (e.g. file system, network protocols) be in user-level server processes. And that applications talk to those servers over IPC. An exokernel design expects that most O/S functionality take the form of library operating systems linked with each process. These definitions are not set in stone, and are not exclusive. JOS, for example, has elements of both. Q: It seems like the two architectures shift implementation complexity towards different ends - the exokernel places a lot of responsibility on the application-level programs, whereas much of this complexity is built into the monolithic kernel. In general, is one architecture more complicated to implement than the other? Or is the complexity just shifted towards different areas? Also, given all of the claimed improvements that an exokernel provides, what are the main reasons why monolithic kernels are more prevalent? A: My guess is that, for equivalent overall functionality, a monolithic kernel would be simpler than an exokernel plus library operating system. I imagine the exokernel/library divide often made implementation of new O/S features difficult. Of course, the point of the paper is that the overall functionality is *not* equivalent -- an exokernel could let applications do things that were not possible with a typical 1995 monolithic kernel. Monolithic kernels are a convenient arrangement for kernel developers, and have evolved over the years to provide the services and performance that most applications need. So they have remained popular. Modern monolithic kernels provide some exokernel-like access to low-level hardware, particularly memory mappings via mmap(), mprotect(), &c. Q: Will the exokernel model make it significantly harder for application developers? It seems like while it gives developers a lot more freedom, with that puts more burden on application developers to write stuff that performs well. A: An application developer could use the default library OS, which would require no special effort. The developer would only have to do exokernel-specific work to the extent that he or she wanted to take advantage of the exokernel's flexibility Q: Why are user-level implementations of application primitives like virtual memory so much faster with an exokernel? The paper explains that the exokernel primitives are fast because they are so low-level, which makes sense, but it says that application-level traditional kernel operations are also much faster. Why? Is it specific to the application, so a much faster exokernel VM implementation will be less generic than a slower monolithic kernel implementation? A: Are you asking about Table 10? Here are the factors I'm aware of that contribute to the exokernel's simple VM operations being faster than Ultrix's: * The exokernel's trap and system call path has fewer instructions than Ultrix's, so each system call and page fault is faster. * The exokernel can forward an interrupt or page fault to the application much faster than Ultrix can, again because the exokernel's version of this machinery is simpler. * The exokernel exposes some data structures (e.g. the page table) directly to the application, in read-only form, so that sometimes the application can avoid a system call altogether. But this kind of speed is not really the point (though it is nice). The more fundamental way in which the exokernel designers hoped to get improved performance was via more flexibility for sophisticated applications. They wanted to support the neat VM tricks described in Appel and Li's paper (citation [5]). And the exokernel authors published a very interesting later paper (in SOSP 1997) describing some applications that got better performance via customized library OS's, e.g. a web server that uses a customized file system disk layout to provide very high performance. Q: What are the underlying reasons for generating the specific aspects of a prototype exokernel system in the design of Aegis rather than other design methods of a possible exokernel system, i.e. what specific features of Aegis were discussed to be advantages over other specific aspects of the monolithic kernel, and why those specific features? A: The paper says the main technical focuses of Aegis were flexible application access to virtual memory translations, fast IPC (protected control transfers), and fast user-level fault handlers. I suspect part of the motivation for these specific features was the Appel and Li paper, citation [5], which explains lots of neat tricks one could use if the kernel supported flexible and fast access to virtual memory translation and page faults. Q: Exokernels allow systems to be closer to the hardware but seem to have performance deficiencies when implementing simple functions that require higher privilege. An example we see is the fork system call in JOS, which requires a significant number of kernel calls to map pages to specific virtual addresses. How can you create both a minimal interface to the exokernel while also allowing such system calls like fork to remain performant? A: I think the Aegis authors would say that their system call overhead is small enough that they can get good performance even if you have to emulate fork() with a bunch of simpler VM system calls. And that for some applications, the existence of those simpler system calls lets applications do things that are not possible with just fork(). You could have a kernel that provides both fork() and system calls that allow processes low-level access to virtual memory translations. Modern UNIXes (Linux, OSX, &c) come reasonably close to this, providing copy-on-write fork() as well as mmap(), mprotect(), madvise(), &c for low-level access. Q: Doesn't this exokernel design reduce the interoperability between programs running on the same platform? On regular monolithic systems, pretty much every program is using the same filesystem and same network primitives. If every program is responsible for these features themselves, then won't two programs only work together if they were designed for that? A: There is certainly potential for programs to use incompatible formats, and thus not be able to cooperate usefully. Of course this problem is not peculiar to the exokernel -- for example, my emacs cannot generally edit documents that Microsoft Word creates. The intent was that there would be a default library OS, so that in general different applications would use compatible file system formats, network protocols, &c. Only applications with special needs would customize the library OS, and even then developers would probably be careful to preserve compatibility where possible. Q: What is an example of a lightweight thread with correctness compromised? A: I don't know what they mean by correctness; I only understand the performance problem. By lightweight thread, they mean threads that are implemented purely at user level without the kernel knowing about individual threads. Like the 6.828 user-level threads (uthread.c) homework. If such a thread blocks in the kernel, other threads in the same process won't run, even if the CPU is idle. A thread might block because it calls a blocking system call like read(), or because it takes a page fault on a page that the kernel needs to page in from disk. Operating systems that have kernel-supported threads (like Linux) avoid this problem, because the kernel knows that a specific thread is blocked, and can run a different thread from the same process. Q: I am curious about the inverted page tables mention in section 7.2; I looked at the description on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_table#Inverted_page_table but I still don't quite understand how it works. From what I can tell it just seems like this is a single level paging structure using a hash function to index into the table instead of the two level structure we covered in class; I am not sure if this understanding is correct or if there is something more to this (and if this is correct, how is this "inverted"?) A: Here is a better explanation: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~cs333/notes/virtual_memory4.pdf The underlying goal is to avoid using huge amounts of memory for page tables on machines with large virtual address spaces but much smaller physical memories. The "inverted page table" (IPT) is an array with one entry per page of physical memory, indexed by physical page number; each entry contains the process ID and virtual address (if any) that maps to that physical page. The IPT has size proportional to the number of physical pages of RAM, not proportional to the (much larger) number of pages of virtual address space. Because looking up a virtual address in an IPT would be slow, CPUs that use an IPT have some kind of TLB-like hashing arrangement to help find the right IPT entry for a virtual address. Typically there is one IPT for the whole system, which includes all process's mappings (rather than one page table per process). The problem with IPTs is that they let only one virtual address map to a given physical page, so they are awkward for shared memory (e.g. copy-on-write fork). The IPT is "inverted" because the array is indexed by physical address, whereas ordinary page tables are indexed by virtual address. Q: In section 6.1 shm, how does process synchronization (signaling) work in Ultrix without a yield primitive? And why Aegis’s yield system call in order to switch processes is much faster than using signaling? A: Signals are a UNIX mechanism that allows one process to alert another process. You can read about them with the "man signal" command. Signals are complex and slow, while yield is simple and fast. Sending a signal to a process causes UNIX to eventually schedule it for execution, so no explicit yield is needed. Q: It's not entirely clear to me how processes are yielded and preempt in this structure. Would a library user program take care of the scheduling in this structure? in That case, would the user program yield to it? A: The exokernel itself (not the library operating system) is in charge of deciding what environment to run next. The library operating system is really part of each application. If an application (or its library OS) wants to yield the CPU, it would call the exokernel's yield system call, and the exokernel would pick a new environment to run. If a timer interrupt occurs, the exokernel jumps back into the currently running environment to let it save its state; the environment is expected to call yield very rapidly thereafter. Q: Does giving applications such a low-level control of hardware significantly increase the chance that programmer error will make a device (such as a camera or network card) unavailable to other programs by failing to release a resource in a timely manner? A: I think Aegis had good stories for how to defend CPU and memory resources against application bugs. For other resources and devices it would depend on how the exokernel handled access. Some devices are inherently shareable, like a network interface or disk, and indeed later exokernel versions had ways to share the network (see the authors SOSP 1997 paper). A camera might be harder; perhaps only a single application at a time can sensibly use the camera, so if an application never released it, that might cause trouble. But I don't think this problem is special to the exokernel; any O/S is likely to have trouble if applications don't release single-use devices. Q: When two applications link the same library operating system is there only 1 instance of the library or two separate one? A: I imagine Aegis had a separate copy of the library for each environment. But it's easy to imagine using the exokernel's flexible memory handling to arrange for the physical pages to be shared. Q: What does it means for Aegis to export the processor? A: I think it mostly means that Aegis lets applications execute instructions. Q: Can an application uses different library OS for each functionality. e.g one for virtual memory, another for > IPC, etc? A: I suspect many of the library calls are independent, so it would probably be OK in many cases to pick and choose functions from different libraries. And since the application developer is free to re-write the libraries, the developer could modify them to ensure that they worked together properly.