Lab 7: Final JOS project
Piazza Discussion Due, Nov 3, 2017
Proposals Due, Nov 9, 2017
Code repository Due, Dec 7, 2017
Check-off and in-class demos, Week of Dec 11, 2017
For the final project you have two options:
- Work on your own and do lab 6, including
one challenge exercise in lab 6. (You are free, of course, to extend lab 6,
or any part of JOS, further in interesting ways, but it isn't required.)
- Work in a team of one, two or three, on a project of your choice that
involves your JOS. This project must be of the same scope as lab 6 or larger
(if you are working in a team).
The goal is to have fun and explore more advanced O/S topics; you don't have to
do novel research.
If you are doing your own project, we'll grade you on how much you got
working, how elegant your design is, how well you can explain it, and how
interesting and creative your solution is. We do realize that time is limited,
so we don't expect you to re-write Linux by the end of the semester. Try to make
sure your goals are reasonable; perhaps set a minimum goal that's definitely
achievable (e.g., something of the scale of lab 6) and a more ambitious goal if
things go well.
If you are doing lab 6, we will grade you on whether you pass the tests and
the challenge exercise.
Nov 3: Piazza discussion and form groups of 1, 2, or 3 (depending on which
final project option you are choosing). Use the lab7
tag/folder on Piazza. Discuss ideas with others in comments on their Piazza
posting. Use these postings to help find other students interested in similar
ideas for forming a group. Course staff will provide feedback on project ideas
on Piazza; if you'd like more detailed feedback, come chat with us in
Nov 9: Submit a proposal at the submission website,
just a paragraph or two. The proposal should include your group members list,
the problem you want to address, how you plan to address it, and what are you
proposing to specifically design and implement. (If you are doing lab 6, there
is nothing to do for this deliverable.)
Dec 7: submit source code along with a brief write-up.
Put the write-up under the top-level source directory with the
name "README.pdf". Since some of you will be working in groups for this lab assignment, you may
want to use git to share your project code between group members. You will need
to decide on whose source code you will use as a starting point for your group
project. Make sure to create a branch for your final project, and name it
lab7. (If you do lab 6, follow the lab 6 submission instructions.)
Week of Dec 11: short in-class demonstration. Prepare a short in-class
demo of your JOS project. We will provide a projector that you can use to
demonstrate your project. Depending on the number of groups and the kinds of
projects that each group chooses, we may decide to limit the total number of
presentations, and some groups might end up not presenting in class.
Week of Dec 11: check-off with TAs. Demo your project to the TAs so that
we can ask you some questions and find out in more detail what you did.
Project ideas
If you are not doing lab 6, here's a list of ideas to get you started
thinking. But, you should feel free to pursue your own ideas. Some of the ideas
are starting points and by themselves not of the scope of lab 6, and others are
likely to be much of larger scope.
- Build a virtual machine monitor that can run multiple guests (for
example, multiple instances of JOS), using
x86 VM support.
- Do something useful with the hardware protection of Intel SGX. Here
is a recent paper using Intel SGX.
- Make the JOS file system support writing, file creation, logging for
durability, etc., perhaps taking ideas from Linux EXT3.
- Use file system ideas from
ZFS, or another advanced file system.
- Add snapshots to a file system, so that a user can look at
the file system as it appeared at various points in the past.
You'll probably want to use some kind of copy-on-write for disk
storage to keep space consumption down.
- Build a
distributed shared memory (DSM) system, so that you can run
multi-threaded shared memory parallel programs on a cluster of
machines, using paging to give the appearance of real shared memory.
When a thread tries to access a page that's on another machine, the
page fault will give the DSM system a chance to fetch the page over
the network from whatever machine currently stores it.
- Allow processes to migrate from one machine to another over the
network. You'll need to do something about the various pieces of a process's
state, but since much state in JOS is in user-space it may be easier than
process migration on Linux.
- Implement paging to disk
in JOS, so that processes can be bigger than RAM. Extend your pager
with swapping.
- Implement mmap() of files
for JOS.
- Use xfi to
sandbox code within a process.
- Support x86 2MB or 4MB pages.
- Modify JOS to have kernel-supported threads inside processes. See in-class
uthread assignment to get started. Implementing scheduler activations
would be one way to do this project.
- Use fine-grained locking or lock-free concurrency in JOS in the kernel or
in the file server (after making it multithreaded). The linux kernel uses
read copy
update to be able to perform read operations without holding locks.
Explore RCU by implementing it in JOS and use it to support a name cache with
lock-free reads.
- Implement ideas from the Exokernel papers, for example the packet filter.
- Make JOS have soft real-time behavior. You will have to identify some
application for which this is useful.
- Make JOS run on 64-bit CPUs. This includes redoing the virtual
memory system to use 4-level pages tables. See reference page
for some documentation.
- Port JOS to a different microprocessor. The osdev wiki may be helpful.
- A window system for JOS, including graphics driver and mouse. See
page for some documentation. sqrt(x) is
an example JOS window system (and writeup).
- Implement dune
to export privileged hardware instructions to user-space applications in JOS.
- Write a user-level debugger; add strace-like functionality;
hardware register profiling (e.g. Oprofile); call-traces
- Binary emulation for (static) Linux executables