File system performance and crash recovery

this lecture
 crash recovery for xv6
 logging / ext3

 when I was in college there was no mkdir() system call. here's
 the source for /bin/mkdir (from v7 unix):
   if ((mknod(d, 040777, 0)) < 0) {
       fprintf(stderr,"mkdir: cannot make directory %s\n", d);
   chown(d, getuid(), getgid());
 mkdir was setuid to root -- it ran as root even if started by
   an ordinary user, since mknod() is a privileged call.
 what's the problem?
 how to exploit it?
   cd /tmp
   mkdir foo && ./exploit
   exploit waits for foo to appear, then removes it,
     substitutes a link to e.g. /etc/passwd

unix used to be full of such bugs. e.g. mail delivery command
appended to /usr/spool/mail/rtm, running as root:
 if owned by rtm
   open and write

how do people fix tocttou bugs?
 atomic mkdir() call
   fd = open(file)
 don't run as root: structure s/w to drop privileges when possible
   e.g. setuid(rtm) before delivering mail

what is crash recovery?
 crash = kernel panic, power failure, fixable h/w failure
   assume fail-stop: no wild writes to disk
   assume disk content preserved, except maybe last write incomplete
 goal: after reboot, recover to a correct state

crash recovery is hard because some syscalls involve multiple writes
 example: mark block as not-free, add block # to inode
   in that order, crash causes missing free blocks
   in the other order, crash leaves a free block in a file
     soon, two files will share a block!
 example: mkdir allocates inode, make dirent in parent, then adds .  
and ..
   crash may leave new dir without its . and ..

we'll discuss two approaches:
 synchronous meta-data update + fsck (xv6 + imaginary fsck)
 logging (linux ext3)

what can we say about an xv6 FS after a crash?
 xv6 strategy: carefully order disk writes to avoid dangling refs
   1. initialize a new inode before creating dirent
   2. delete dirent before marking inode free
   3. mark block in-use before adding it to inode addrs[]
   4. remove block from addrs[] before marking free (oops)
   5. zero block before marking free
 xv6 uses "synchronous meta-data update"
   enforces these orders by waiting for each write to complete on disk
   ordering does two things:
     1. prevents dangling references from confusing FS after reboot
     2. helps fsck reason about what was happening at time of crash
 FS immediately after crash isn't quite consistent:
   . and .. during mkdir(), link counts, sizes
   may leak freed blocks and inodes
   mostly internally consistent; FS unlikely to panic immediately  
after reboot
     no reachable dangling references
   not quite "atomic", since you can see partial operations after  
   but it is "durable": syscall returns => data will be on disk  
after crash

xv6 needs an fsck
 to restore internal consistency after a crash
   complete or roll back partial system calls
 how would you make it correct?
   look at each syscall's sequence of synchronous writes
   have a story for a crash at each point
 how would fsck work?
   scan inodes, build in-memory table of which are marked free
   scan free block table, build in-memory table
   descend directory hierarchy from root
     i.e. look at all dirs and files a program could access
     count dir references to each inode
     count dir/file references to each block
 what inconsistencies could exist?
   inode not free, but not referenced by any dir
     crash during create
     crash during delete
     ok to simply mark the inode free (rolls back create, or  
completes delete)
   block not free, but not referenced by any file/dir
     crash during append
     crash during unlink/truncate
     in both cases, ok to mark the block free (rolls back append,  
completes truncate)
   reachable directory w/o . or ..
     crash during mkdir
     remove directory (since must be new+empty), or create . and ..
   incorrect link count?
     crash during link or unlink
     fix the link count to match # of references in reachable dir  
   lots of "can't happen" inconsistencies:
     block in two files? cycle in dir hierarchy?
     fsck asks for human assistance

good news:
 xv6 could be made to have good crash recovery, w/ fsck
bad news:
 xv6 very slow during normal operation
 xv6 very slow during fsck

how long would fsck take?
 a read from a random place on disk takes about 10 milliseconds
 descending the directory hierarchy might involve a random read per  
 so maybe (n-inodes / 100) seconds?
 faster if you read all inodes (and dir blocks) sequentially,
   then descend hierarchy in memory
 my server: fsck takes 10 minutes per 70GB disk w/ 2 million inodes
   clearly reading many inodes sequentially, not seeking
   still a long time, probably linear in disk size

how about xv6 normal FS performance?
 creating a file and writing a few bytes takes 8 writes, probably 80  
   (ialloc, init inode, write dirent, alloc data block, add to inode,
    write data, set length in inode, one other mystery write to data)
 so can create only about a dozen small files per second
 think about un-tar or rm *

how to get better performance?
 RAM is cheap
 disk sequential throughput is high, 50 MB/sec
 (maybe someday solid state disks will change the landscape)
 we'll talk about big memory, then sequential disk throughput

why not change xv6 to use a big write-back disk cache?
 bwrite() *only* modifies in-memory buf (no disk write)
   so creat(), unlink(), write() &c return almost immediately
 bufs written to disk later
   if cache is full, write LRU dirty block
   write all dirty blocks every 30 seconds, to limit loss if crash
 would write-back cache improve performance? why, exactly?
 what problems will write-back cause?

what can go wrong w/ write-back cache?
 example: crash soon after xv6 file creation
   1. ialloc/iupdate initialize new inode (in use, zero length, &c)
   2. writei adds new directory entry with file's name and i-number
   both just go into buffer cache, not disk
   performance is good -- no disk seeks
   suppose eventually cache manager decides to write block #2 to disk
     then crash
   now FS not useable after a crash (dirent -> free inode)
   easy for fsck to detect and fix, since i-node is marked free
 example: unlink() followed by create()
   an existing file x with some content, all safely on disk
   one user runs unlink(x)
     1. delete x's dir entry **
     2. put blocks in free bitmap
     3. mark x's inode free
   another user then runs create(y)
     4. allocate a free inode
     5. initialize the inode to be in-use and zero-length
     6. create y's directory entry **
   again, all writes initially just to disk buffer cache
   suppose only ** writes forced to disk, then crash
   what is the problem?
   can fsck detect and fix this?

problem: no mechanism to make unlink(), create(), &c atomic
 with respect to crashes
 and (unlike sync metadata update) no ordering hints for fsck

most popular solution: logging (== journaling)
 goal: atomic system calls w.r.t. crashes
 goal: fast recovery (no hour-long fsck)
 goal: speed of write-back cache for normal operations

simple 6.033-style logging scheme:
 [diagram: buffer cache, FS tree on disk, log on disk]
 FS has a log on disk
 syscall describes all the writes it wants to do in the log on disk
   and only then modifies the real FS
   if crash during FS modification, recovery s/w can use log to  
complete the sys call
   append BEGIN record to disk log
   for each modification (inode, dir block, free bitmap, &c)
     make modification in buffer cache, but pin that buffer
     append copy of modified block to log
   append a COMMIT record to log on disk
   un-pin the buffers
 don't write buffers to disk until after COMMIT goes to disk
   "write-ahead logging"
 after crash+reboot, recovery scans log
   iff sees COMMIT, re-do all modifications in that xaction
   if no COMMIT, ignore that syscall's modifications in log
 so if crash during a system call
   if no COMMIT, syscall has no effect at all
     since we held write-back until after COMMIT on disk
   if COMMIT, syscall has all effects

what's wrong with this simple logging scheme?
 log traffic will be huge: every file create -> many blocks of records
 sys calls still need to wait for disk i/o, so write-back cache not  
much help
 some details missing: GC of log, find start/end of log after reboot

Linux's ext3 design
 case study of the details required to add logging to a file system
 main source: Stephen Tweedie 2000 talk transcript "EXT3, Journaling  
 ext3 adds a log to ext2, a previous xv6-like log-less file system
 has many modes, I'll described "journaled data"
   log contains both metadata and file content blocks

ext3 structures:
 in-memory write-back block cache
 in-memory list of blocks to be logged
 on-disk FS
 on-disk circular log file

what's in the ext3 log?
 descriptor: magic, seq, block #s
 data blocks (as described by descriptor)
 commit: magic, seq

ext3 logs entire blocks
 expensive: one little change -> 4096 bytes in log

how does ext3 get good performance despite logging entire blocks?
 batches many syscalls per commit
 defers copying cache block to log until it commits log to disk
 hopes multiple sycalls modified same block
   thus many syscalls, but only one copy of block in log

to be continued...