(Protected-Mode) Address Translation on the x86

Reading: 80386 chapters 5 and 6

Handout: x86 address translation diagram - PS - EPS - xfig

Why do we care about x86 address translation?

PC block diagram


Protected-mode Segmentation

Why aren't protected-mode segments enough? Paging Can we use paging to limit what memory an app can read/write? How we will use paging (and segments)
    4 Gig -------->  +------------------------------+
                     |                              | RW/--
                     :              .               :
                     :              .               :
                     :              .               :
                     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| RW/--
                     |                              | RW/--
                     |   Remapped Physical Memory   | RW/--
                     |                              | RW/--
    KERNBASE ----->  +------------------------------+ 0xf0000000
                     |  Cur. Page Table (Kern. RW)  | RW/--  PTSIZE
    VPT,KSTACKTOP--> +------------------------------+ 0xefc00000      --+
                     |         Kernel Stack         | RW/--  KSTKSIZE   |
                     | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|                 PTSIZE
                     |      Invalid Memory          | --/--             |
    ULIM     ------> +------------------------------+ 0xef800000      --+
                     |  Cur. Page Table (User R-)   | R-/R-  PTSIZE
    UVPT      ---->  +------------------------------+ 0xef400000
                     |          RO PAGES            | R-/R-  PTSIZE
    UPAGES    ---->  +------------------------------+ 0xef000000
                     |           RO ENVS            | R-/R-  PTSIZE
 UTOP,UENVS ------>  +------------------------------+ 0xeec00000
 UXSTACKTOP -/       |     User Exception Stack     | RW/RW  PGSIZE
                     +------------------------------+ 0xeebff000
                     |       Empty Memory           | --/--  PGSIZE
    USTACKTOP  --->  +------------------------------+ 0xeebfe000
                     |      Normal User Stack       | RW/RW  PGSIZE
                     +------------------------------+ 0xeebfd000
                     |                              |
                     |                              |
                     .                              .
                     .                              .
                     .                              .
                     |     Program Data & Heap      |
    UTEXT -------->  +------------------------------+ 0x00800000
    PFTEMP ------->  |       Empty Memory           |        PTSIZE
                     |                              |
    UTEMP -------->  +------------------------------+ 0x00400000
                     |       Empty Memory           |        PTSIZE
    0 ------------>  +------------------------------+