6.828 Fall 2003 Lab 4: System calls, IPC page faults, and fork

Handed out Wednesday, October 15
Part A due Thursday, October 23
Part B due Thursday, October 30
Part C due Thursday, November 6

Version: $Revision: 1.8 $.
Last modified: $Date: 2003/10/28 01:22:50 $


In this lab you will implement the basic path through the kernel that handles system calls. To exercise the system call code, you will add a primitive IPC system to allow processes to communicate with each other. Then you will move on to a more sophisticated set of system calls, allowing processes to handle their own page faults. Finally, you will use this page fault interface to implement the Unix fork system call from user space.

Getting Started

Download the lab 4 code from http://pdos.lcs.mit.edu/6.828/labs/lab4.tar.gz, and unpack it into your 6.828 directory as before. You will need to merge our new code for this lab into your source tree.

There have been many changes to the source tree. We list all the changes and then afterward give instructions for merging your current solutions into the tree.

Changes to files you have not edited:

Changes to files you have edited:

To merge your solutions from Lab 3 (and before) into the lab4/ tree:

Once you have finished the merge, here are some things to double-check. Do this before proceeding! You will save yourself many headaches by getting these correct now, before they cause hard-to-debug crashes.

If you build a kernel and run it after the merge, you should see:

6828 decimal is 015254 octal!
Physical memory: 32768K available, base = 640K, extended = 31744K
[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
TRAP frame at 0xefbfffbc
             edi  0x0
             esi  0x0
             ebp  0xeebfdfa8
             oesp 0xefbfffdc
             ebx  0x0
             edx  0x800050
             ecx  0x0
             eax  0x1
             es   0x23
             ds   0x23
             trap 0x30
             err  0x0
             eip  0x800b2e
             cs   0x1b
             flag 0x246
             esp  0xeebfdf9c
             ss   0x23
panic at kern/trap.c:143: unhandled trap
All the elements in the trap frame should match. The trap may be 0xd (general protection fault) if you have not added the system call trap (0x30) to the GDT yet.

Part A: System calls and IPC

System calls

User processes ask the kernel to do things for them by invoking system calls. When the user process invokes a system call, the processor enters kernel mode, the processor and the kernel cooperate to save the user process's state, the kernel executes appropriate code in order to carry out the system call, and then resumes the user process. The exact details of how the user process gets the kernel's attention and how it specifies which call it wants to execute vary from system to system.

In V6, user processes executed the sys instruction to get the kernel's attention. The user process specifies the type of system call with a constant in the instruction itself. The arguments to the system call are also in the instruction stream, or in registers, or on the stack, or some combination of the three. The kernel passes the return value back to the user process in r0.

In the x86 kernel, we will use the int instruction, which causes a processor interrupt. In particular, we will use int $0x30 as the system call interrupt. We have defined the constant T_SYSCALL to 0x30 for you. You will have to set up the interrupt descriptor to allow user processes to cause that interrupt. Note that interrupt 0x30 cannot be generated by hardware, so there is no ambiguity caused by allowing user code to generate it.

In the x86 kernel, we will pass the system call number and the system call arguments in registers. This way, we don't need to grub around in the user environment's stack or instruction stream. The system call number will go in %eax, and the arguments (up to five of them) will go in %edx, %ecx, %ebx, %edi, and %esi, respectively. The kernel passes the return value back in %eax. The assembly code to invoke a system call has been written for you, in syscall() in user/syscall.c. You should read through it and make sure you understand what is going on.


Sanity check

Before you go any further, let's make sure that loading user environments still works.

Look at kern/init.c: it creates two user environments (with the ENV_CREATE macro) from binaries that have been linked into the program. The binaries in the last lab were hand-written position-independent assembly stored in lab3.S. The binaries in this lab are compiled from C sources in the user/ directory. The program user/foo is linked into the kernel in such a way that ENV_CREATE(user_foo) calls env_create with the right arguments to start it running in a new environment.

We'll start with the user environment user/idle (compiled from user/idle.c), which is a lot like spin from the last lab: it just loops. This may seem like a rather useless program, but in fact it serves an important purpose. When the kernel has nothing else to do, it can run the idle environment, which will keep the processor in user mode so that device interrupts can occur and trap back into the kernel.

Edit kern/init.c and comment out the line "ENV_CREATE(user_hello);". Now the only environment being created is user/idle.

Build the kernel and start Bochs. Set a break point at the loop in idle's umain: vb 0x1b:0x800054. Then boot the kernel. When you reach the break point, step (s) a few times. You should see:

<bochs:1> vb 0x1b:0x800054
<bochs:2> c
6828 decimal is 15254 octal!
page_check() succeeded!
             Setup timer interrupts via 8259A
             unmasked timer interrupt
(0) Breakpoint 1, 0x800054 (0x1b:0x800054)
Next at t=9167210
(0) 001b:00800054 (unknown context): ebfe: jmp +#fe
Next at t=9167211
(0) 001b:00800054 (unknown context): ebfe: jmp +#fe
Next at t=9167212
(0) 001b:00800054 (unknown context): ebfe: jmp +#fe
Next at t=9167213
(0) 001b:00800054 (unknown context): ebfe: jmp +#fe
(The t= numbers will be different.) If you do not see this, do not continue. Go through your merge and figure out what was merged incorrectly. Re-check the list above.

To find the address of idle's umain, you can gmake user/idle.asm to generate a disassembly.

Change your scheduler (sched_yield in kern/sched.c) to run the idle environment (envs[0]) only when no other environments are runnable: any other environment should take priority over the idle environment.

Rebuild your kernel, repeat the above sequence, and make sure you still get the same results.

System call path

Add a handler for interrupt T_SYSCALL. You will have to edit locore.S and kern/trap.c's idt_init(). You also need to change trap() to handle the system call interrupt by calling syscall with the appropriate arguments and then arranging for the return value to be passed back to the user process in %eax. Finally, you need to implement syscall in kern/syscall.c. Make sure syscall returns -E_INVAL if the system call number is invalid. You should read and understand user/syscall.c (especially the inline assembly routine) in order to confirm your understanding of the system call interface. You may also find it helpful to read inc/syscall.h.

Uncomment the "ENV_CREATE(user_hello)". Compile and run your kernel. It should print "hello, world" and then panic with a page fault from user mode. If this does not happen, it probably means your system call handler isn't quite right.

User-mode startup

The user programs start running at the top of user/entry.S. After some setup, this code calls libmain(), in user/libos.c. Libmain needs to initialize a global pointer env to point at this environment's struct Env in the envs[] array. (Entry.S defined envs to point at the UENVS mapping you set up in lab 2.) Hint: look in inc/env.h and use sys_getenvid.

Libmain calls umain, which, in the case of the hello program, is in user/hello.c. Note that after printing "hello, world", it tries to access env->env_id. This is why it faulted earlier. Now that you've initialized env properly, it should not fault. If it still faults, you probably haven't mapped the UENVS area user-readable (back in lab 1 in pmap.c; this is the first time we've actually used the UENVS area). Boot your kernel. You should see user/hello print "hello, world" and then print "i am environment 00001001".

Notice that user/hello calls printf. This is not the printf from the kernel. (How could it be? There's no printf system call!) Instead it is a user-space printf implemented in user/printf.c and linked into each user program. This printf prints into a string buffer and then calls sys_cputs on the string. (Recall that the kernel calls cons_putc on every character as it is ready to be printed.)

Interprocess communication (IPC)

(Technically this is "inter-environment communication" or "IEC", but everyone else calls it IPC, so we'll use the standard term.)

We've been focusing on the isolation aspects of the operating system, the ways it provides the illusion that each program has a machine all to itself. Another important service of an operating system is to allow programs to communicate with each other when they want to. It can be quite powerful to let programs interact with other programs. The UNIX pipe model is the canonical example.

There are many models for interprocess communication. Even today there are still debates about which models are better for various reasons. We won't get into that debate. Instead, we'll implement a simple IPC mechanism and then try it out.


You will implement a simple interprocess communication mechanism using the system call interface you just constructed. It will allow environments to send integer values to other environments. You will implement two system calls, sys_ipc_recv and sys_ipc_can_send. Then you will implement two library wrappers ipc_recv and ipc_send.

To receive a value, an environment calls sys_ipc_recv, which deschedules the current environment and does not run it again until a value has been received.

To try to send a value, an environment calls sys_ipc_can_send with both the receiver's environment id and the value to be sent. If the named environment is actually receiving (it has called sys_ipc_recv and not gotten a value yet), then the send delivers the value and returns 0. Otherwise the send returns -E_IPC_NOT_RECV to indicate that the target environment is not currently expecting to receive a value.

A library function ipc_recv will take care of calling sys_ipc_recv and then looking up the information about the received values in the current environment's struct Env.

Similarly, a library function ipc_send will take care of repeatedly calling sys_ipc_can_send until the send succeeds.

System calls

Implement sys_ipc_recv and sys_ipc_can_send in kern/syscall.c. When you call envid2env in these routines, you should set the checkperm flag to 0, meaning that any environment is allowed to send IPC messages to any other environment, and the kernel does no special permission checking other than verifying that the target envid is valid. Currently envid2env just ignores this flag anyway, but later in this lab you will enhance it with permission checking support.

Implement the user-space calls in user/syscall.c.

Library wrappers

Implement ipc_recv and ipc_send in user/ipc.c.

Change kern/init.c to start two copies of user/pingpong2 instead of user/hello. (Note that it's pingpong2 and not pingpong1 and not pingpong.)

Boot your kernel. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
[00000000] new env 00001802
1802 got 0 from 1001
1001 got 1 from 1802
1802 got 2 from 1001
1001 got 3 from 1802
1802 got 4 from 1001
1001 got 5 from 1802
1802 got 6 from 1001
1001 got 7 from 1802
1802 got 8 from 1001
1001 got 9 from 1802
[00001001] exiting gracefully
[00001001] free env 00001001
1802 got 10 from 1001
[00001802] exiting gracefully
[00001802] free env 00001802
Challenge!!! Ipc_send is not very fair. Run three copies of user/fairness and you will see this. The first two copies are both trying to send to the third copy, but only one of them will ever succeed. Make the IPC fair, so that each copy has approximately equal chance of succeeding.

Challenge!!! Why does ipc_send have to loop? Change the system call interface so it doesn't have to. Make sure you can handle multiple environments trying to send to one environment at the same time.

This ends part A. As usual, you can grade your submission with gmake grade and hand it in with gmake handin. If you are trying to figure out why a particular test case is failing, run sh grade.sh -x, which will show you the output of the kernel builds and Bochs runs for each test, until a test fails. When a test fails, the script will stop, and then you can inspect bochs.out to see what the kernel actually printed.

Part B: Page fault handling from kernel and user modes

Page faults and memory protection

Memory protection is a crucial feature of an operating system. By using memory protection, the operating system can ensure that bugs in one program cannot corrupt other programs or corrupt the operating system itself.

Typically, operating systems rely on hardware support to implement memory protection. The OS keeps the hardware informed about which virtual addresses are valid and which are not. When a program tries to access an invalid address or one for which it has no permissions, the processor stops the program at the instruction causing the fault and then traps into the kernel with information about the attempted operation. If the fault is fixable, the kernel can fix it and let the program continue running. If the fault is not fixable, then the program cannot continue, since it will never get past the instruction causing the fault.

As an example of a fixable fault, consider an automatically extended stack. In many systems the kernel allocates a single stack page, and then if a program faults accessing pages further down the stack, the kernel will allocate those pages automatically and let the program continue. By doing this, the kernel only allocates the memory that the program is going to use, but the program can work under the illusion that it has an arbitrarily large stack.

System calls present an interesting problem for memory protection. Most system call interfaces let user programs pass pointers to the kernel. These pointers point at user buffers to be read or written. The kernel then dereferences these pointers on behalf of the user while carrying out the system call. There are two problems with this.

First, a page fault in the kernel is taken a lot more seriously than a page fault in a user program. If the kernel page faults, that's usually a kernel bug, and the fault handler will panic. We need a way to remember that the page fault is on behalf of a user program.

Second, the kernel typically has more memory permissions than the user program. The user program might ask the kernel to read from or write to a location in kernel memory that the user program cannot access but that the kernel can. If the kernel is not careful, a buggy or malicious user program can trick the kernel into using its greater privilege in unintended ways, possibly so as to destroy the integrity of the kernel completely. This danger is one instance of a classic security problem known as the "confused deputy" problem. The kernel is acting as a trusted "deputy", which has the special privileges necessary to implement important services needed by untrusted users - but if users can confuse the kernel into using those special privileges in unintended ways, the security model breaks down. (Challenge!!! Explore the literature on the confused deputy problem available on the Internet, and identify other aspects of the design of this toy kernel and existing well-known operating systems in which this security risk may occur.)

For both of these reasons the kernel must be careful when handling pointers presented by user programs.


In your kernel, you will implement solutions to these two problems.

To address the first problem, you will use a global variable page_fault_mode to let the fault handler know when the kernel is manipulating memory on behalf of the user environment. If a fault happens then, the user environment will be destroyed. (Otherwise, if a fault happens, the kernel should panic.)

To address the second problem, you will "sanitize" all user pointers by using TRUP ("TRanslate User Pointer"). This macro will leave valid user pointers as is, but will translate all other pointers to ULIM, which will definitely cause a page fault when accessed.

Sanity check

Make sure that the fault path from the last lab still works. Change kern/init.c to run user/fault. Run the kernel. The kernel should panic inside the page fault handler. You should see:
[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
TRAP frame at 0xefbfffbc
             edi  0x0
             esi  0x801028
             ebp  0xeebfdfc8
             oesp 0xefbfffdc
             ebx  0x70
             edx  0xeec00074
             ecx  0x0
             eax  0x1
             es   0x23
             ds   0x23
             trap 0xe
             err  0xfffe
             eip  0x800053
             cs   0x1b
             flag 0x10296
             esp  0xeebfdfc8
             ss   0x23
panic at kern/trap.c:174: page fault
You may see 6 for err, and slightly different values for esi and ebx. That's okay. All the other fields should match identically.

Page fault mode

Change kern/trap.c's page fault handler. If a page fault happens while in kernel mode, check the setting of page_fault_mode and act accordingly. Inc/mmu.h explains the possible page fault modes. If you destroy the current environment, print a message explaining the fault in the format:
printf("[%08x] PFM_KILL va %08x ip %08x\n", curenv->env_id, va, tf->tf_eip);

Hint: to determine whether a fault happened in user mode or in kernel mode, check the low bits of the tf_cs.

Change kern/syscall.c to set the page fault mode correctly when handling the user pointer in sys_cputs. Make sure you reset the page fault mode when the code finishes handling the user pointer.

Change kern/init.c to run user/buggyhello instead of user/hello. Compile your kernel and boot it. The environment should be destroyed, and the kernel should not panic. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
[00001001] PFM_KILL va 00000001 ip f010263d
[00001001] free env 00001001
(Your ip may be different but should begin f01.)


The check you added protects against buggy environments that pass invalid pointers, but does not protect against evil environments that pass pointers to valid kernel memory. User/evilhello is one such program.

Change the definition of sys_cputs to protect itself against malicious user environments by using TRUP.

Change kern/init.c to run user/evilhello. Compile your kernel and boot it. The environment should be destroyed, and the kernel should not panic. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
[00001001] PFM_KILL va ef800000 ip f010263d
[00001001] free env 00001001
(Your ip may be different but should begin f01.)

User-level page fault handling

Most page faults encountered during normal program execution are fixable, like the stack example we saw earlier. A typical kernel must track, for each environment, the various regions of memory that are mapped and what to do when faults happen in them. For example, we saw that a fault in the stack region will typically map in a new page. A fault in the BSS region will typically map in a new page and also make sure it is zeroed. In systems with demand-paged executables, a fault in the text region will read the corresponding page of the binary off of disk and then map it in.

This is a lot of information for the kernel to track and get right. Instead, we will push this functionality into user space, where bugs are less damaging. This has the added benefit of allowing programs great flexibility in defining their memory regions. As we will see, this allows so much flexibility that we can implement fork() as a user space library routine.


We will provide this functionality by allowing user environments to handle their own page faults. During standard execution, a user program will run on the user stack (its top located at virtual address USTACKTOP). When a page fault occurs in user mode, the kernel will restart the user environment running the user-level page fault handler on a different stack, the user exception stack (its top at UXSTACKTOP). The page fault handler can use system calls to map new pages in order to fix the fault. Then the page fault handler will return, via an assembly language stub, to the faulting code on the original stack. We will call the state of the user environment at the time of the fault the trap-time state.

Memory allocation

Each user environment will need to allocate memory for its exception stack. To allow this, implement the sys_mem_alloc system call in kern/syscall.c and user/syscall.c. Note that you will have to choose the error codes to return for the error checking you implement.

Page fault handler

You will add a new system call sys_set_pgfault_handler() that allows an environment to register a page fault handler and a stack. The call "sys_set_pgfault_handler(envid, handler, stacktop)" will change the page fault handler for the environment envid. When a page fault occurs in user mode for the target environment, the kernel will call the user environment's handler running on the stack whose top is stacktop.

For this and all system calls that use environment ids, we will adopt the convention that id 0 means "the current environment". This convention is implemented by envid2env. Implement sys_set_pgfault_handler in kern/syscall.c. When you call envid2env, set checkperm to 1, so that an environment can only change the page fault handler for itself or for a child.

Write the checkperm case in kern/env.c's envid2env to implement the permission checking just described. Implement sys_set_pgfault_handler in user/syscall.c.

Change kern/trap.c's pgfault to handle faults from user mode as follows.

If there is no page fault handler registered, the user environment should be destroyed with a message like before, except say "user fault" instead of "PFM_KILL".

Otherwise, set up a trap frame on the exception stack that looks like this:

            <-- env_xstacktop
fault_va    <-- %esp when handler is run
and then arranging for the user environment to resume execution with the page fault handler running on that stack (you must figure out how to make this happen). Each empty line in the frame above is simply a 32-bit word-size space on the exception stack that the kernel does not initialize, but the fault handler in the user environment can use. The fault_va is the virtual address at which the page fault occurred.

Remember that env_xstacktop is a pointer given to the kernel by a user program. Treat it with the appropriate caution.

If tf->tf_esp is already on the user exception stack, then the page fault handler itself has faulted. In this case, you should start the new stack frame just under the current tf->tf_esp rather than under env_xstacktop:

            <-- tf->tf_esp
fault_va    <-- %esp when handler is run

To test whether tf->tf_esp is already on the user exception stack, check whether it is in the range [env->env_xstacktop-BY2PG, env->env_xstacktop-1].

You should not need to sanity check the fault handler %eip: let the memory protection hardware do that for you.

Three of the empty words are for the assembly routine to use to save the caller-save registers before moving on to C code. The other two are also important for the recursive fault case. If you get stuck, draw a stack diagram for the recursive case and look at how each word gets used.

Next, you need to implement the assembly routine that will take care of calling the C page fault handler and resume execution at the original faulting instruction. This assembly routine is the handler that will be registered with the kernel.

Implement __asm_pgfault_handler in user/entry.S. There is a commented outline there to help you along. You may find it useful to reread the description from the beginning of this section as well.

Finally, you need to implement the C user library side of all this. Finish set_pgfault_handler in user/pgfault.c.


Change kern/init.c to run user/fault. Build your kernel and run it. You should see:
[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
[00001001] user fault va 00000000 ip 0080008b
[00001001] free env 00001001

Change kern/init.c to run user/faultdie. Build your kernel and run it. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
i faulted at va deadbeef, err 6
[00001001] exiting gracefully
[00001001] free env 00001001

Change kern/init.c to run user/faultalloc. Build your kernel and run it. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
fault deadbeef
this string was faulted in at deadbeef
fault cafebffe
fault cafec000
this string was faulted in at cafebffe
[00001001] exiting gracefully
[00001001] free env 00001001

If you see only the first "this string" line, it means you are not handling recursive page faults properly.

Change kern/init.c to run user/faultallocbad. Build your kernel and run it. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
[00001001] PFM_KILL va deadbeef ip f010263d
[00001001] free env 00001001
(Your ip may differ from ours but should begin f01.)

Make sure you understand why user/faultalloc and user/faultallocbad behave differently.

This ends part B. As usual, you can grade your submission with gmake grade and hand it in with gmake handin.

Part C: User-level fork

As the final piece of this lab, you will implement the UNIX fork system call as a user space library routine, using the system calls you implemented in part B along with a couple new ones.


As its process creation primitive, UNIX provides the fork system call. Fork copies the calling process (the parent) to create a new process (the child). The only differences between the two observable from user space are their process IDs and parent process IDs (as returned by getpid and getppid). In the parent, fork returns the child's process ID. In the child, fork returns 0. The two processes do not share any memory: writes to one process's memory do not appear in the other and vice versa.

V6 UNIX implemented fork by copying the parent's segments into new memory for the child. This was, by far, the most expensive part of the call. Since fork is so often followed by exec in the child (for example, in the shell), these copies are often wasted.

Later versions of UNIX took advantage of virtual memory hardware to allow the parent and child to share the memory until one of them modified it. To do this, the kernel marked the now-shared pages not writable. When one of the two processes tried to write to the page, it would fault. At this point, the kernel would realize that the page was really "copy-on-write" and make a private copy for the faulting process. In this implementation, pages aren't copied until they were written to. This makes fork followed by exec in the child much cheaper: the child would probably only copy one page (its current stack page) before calling exec.

You'll implement a copy-on-write fork now, but entirely from user space. This has the benefit that the kernel support is much simpler and thus more likely to be correct. It also lets programs define their own semantics for fork. A program that wanted a slightly different implementation (for example, the expensive always-copy version or one in which the parent and child shared memory afterward) can easily provide its own.


You will add a new system call sys_env_alloc which creates a new environment with an almost blank slate: no address space, no page fault handler, and not runnable. The new environment will have the same register state as the parent environment at the time of the call. The only difference is that in the parent, sys_env_alloc will return the id of the newly created environment, but in the child it will return 0. (The child will be marked as not runnable, so sys_env_alloc will not return in the child until the parent has explicitly allowed this by marking the child runnable.)

Then you will add system calls to manipulate this blank slate: sys_map_mem and sys_unmap_mem allow you to modify the virtual address space, and sys_set_pgfault_handler from part B manipulates the page fault handlers.

Using these primitives you will build fork itself. Fork will create a new environment, copy the state from the current environment into the new environment, and then set it running.

System calls

Implement sys_env_alloc, sys_mem_map, sys_mem_unmap, and sys_set_env_status in kern/syscall.c and user/syscall.c.

Change kern/init.c to run user/pingpong1 (start just one instance of it). Build and boot the kernel. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
[00001001] new env 00001802
send 0 from 1001 to 1802
1802 got 0 from 1001
1001 got 1 from 1802
1802 got 2 from 1001
1001 got 3 from 1802
1802 got 4 from 1001
1001 got 5 from 1802
1802 got 6 from 1001
1001 got 7 from 1802
1802 got 8 from 1001
1001 got 9 from 1802
[00001001] exiting gracefully
[00001001] free env 00001001
1802 got 10 from 1001
[00001802] exiting gracefully
[00001802] free env 00001802


Implement fork and pgfault in user/fork.c. The control flow for fork is as follows:

  1. The parent installs pgfault using set_pgfault_handler.
  2. The parent calls sys_env_alloc() to allocate a child environment.
  3. For each writable or copy-on-write page in its address space below UTOP, the parent maps the page copy-on-write into the address space of the child and then remaps the page copy-on-write in its own address space.

    The exception stack is not remapped this way. Instead you need to allocate a fresh page in the child for the exception stack. Since the page fault handler will be doing the actual copying and the page fault handler runs on the exception stack, the exception stack cannot be made copy-on-write: who would copy it?

  4. The parent sets the user page fault handler for the child to look like its own.
  5. The child is now ready to run, so the parent marks it runnable.

After the fork, both processes will fault while trying to execute their code. Here's the control flow for the user page fault handler:

  1. Kernel propagates page fault to asm_pgfault_handler, which calls pgfault_handler.
  2. Pgfault_handler checks that the fault is a write (check FEC_WR) and that the pte for the page is marked PTE_COW. If not, panic.
  3. Pgfault_handler allocates a new page mapped at a temporary location and copies the current page contents into it. Then it maps the new page at the appropriate address.

Change kern/init.c to run user/pingpong (not pingpong1 and not pingpong2). You should see the same output you saw for pingpong1.

Change kern/init.c to run user/primes. You should see:

[00000000] new env 00000800
[00000000] new env 00001001
[00001001] new env 00001802
2 [00001802] new env 00002003
3 [00002003] new env 00002804
5 [00002804] new env 00003005
7 [00003005] new env 00003806
11 [00003806] new env 00004007

You might find it interesting to read user/primes.c to see all the forking and IPC going on behind the scenes.

Challenge!!! Implement a shared-memory fork called sfork. This version should have the parent and child sharing all their memory pages (writes in one environment appear in the other) except for pages in the stack area, which should be treated in the usual copy-on-write manner. Use it to run user/pingpongs. You will have to find a new way to provide the functionality of the global env pointer.

Challenge!!! The prime sieve is only one neat use of message passing between a large number of concurrent programs. Read C. A. R. Hoare, ``Communicating Sequential Processes,'' Communications of the ACM 21(8) (August 1978), 666-667, and implement the matrix multiplication example.

Challenge!!! Probably the most impressive example of the power of message passing is Doug McIlroy's power series calculator, described in M. Douglas McIlroy, ``Squinting at Power Series,'' Software--Practice and Experience, 20(7) (July 1990), 661-683. Implement his power series calculator and compute the power series for sin(1+x^2).

Challenge!!! Your implementation of fork makes a huge number of system calls. On the x86, switching into the kernel has non-trivial cost. Augment the system call interface so that it is possible to send a batch of system calls at once. Then change fork to use this interface. How much faster is your new fork?

This ends part C. As usual, you can grade your submission with gmake grade and hand it in with gmake handin.