Lecture 11 home work

From now on we will mostly be reading papers instead of source code. The papers cover OS ideas that were invented after v6 was completed. Some of the papers, like today's paper, are highly relevent to the software you are building. (In today's lecture we will also catch up and cover signals in v6, which was supposed to be the topic of lecture 10.)

Assignment The source code we have been given you is from the exokernel for the x86 (named xok), and what you have been developing is an exokernel-like operating system. The exokernel system call interface is quite different from v6's. Give one example of an application that one can implement on your kernel interface but not on the v6 kernel interface. In addition, list one advantage of an exokernel-style kernel interface and one disadvantage.

Please, hand in your answer at the beginning of lecture. You don't have to write a 6.033-like one-pager; just give succincts answers to the questions.